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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Wiki. Ayers and Dorn have two adult kids. They were legal guardians of Kathy Boudin's kid (now an adult). Boudin was sentenced to 20 years to life for a Brinks robbery where they shot a cop and was paroled in 2003. Obama's daughters are 7 and 10 unless they are midgets masquerading as kids.
  2. Photo #9 is MarkVader50 and the bald guy with the painted head is Scotty, a friend of Pinto Ken. He sits in the first row at the Ralph and is often on TV.
  3. All they are doing is telling the truth about Obama's associates. Obama says he met Ayers because their kids go to the same school. Obama's kids are <10 Ayers' kids are >25. More llies from Obama.
  4. Fire Jauron! Tomorrow is his birthday!
  5. Politics don't belong on a football highlight show. Besides Olberdork is a psycho.
  6. Did you watch the game? If you got hit that hard, you'd be in a coma.
  7. That's the play where Peters couldn't even stop the wind and basically pushed the pass rusher into JP.
  8. looked like he was definitely seeing the birdies. He was staring straight ahead and the trainer sitting behind him had a hand on Edward's left side- to keep him from falling out of the cart when they made a turn.
  9. Look up his screen name. It's an ugly transvestite that's on Howard Stern.
  10. That's his normal Saturday night.
  11. I have seen it several times on TV and it is shown in safety films all the time in the Navy. The event is on film.
  12. That guy and his young "friend" in the DC area randomly shppting at people.
  13. Now it's racist to call the Messiah by his full name??? or is it really Barry Soetoro? Was it racist to call Bubba William Jefferson Clinton? Was it racist to call the Great Communicator Ronald Wilson Reagan? Was it racist to call JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
  14. Now its a terrorist and a money launderer that Obama is buddy-buddy with. Include his racist, America hating minister for 20 years and you have hit a trifecta of great friends!
  15. She is in SoCal today. She will be in the bay area tomorrow AM.
  16. Naw, not the Croc hunter's kid, he's only 4 now.
  17. I used to work there. The team used to be called the Stanford Indians until the PC weenies got power. It is the Cardinal, the Color, because the school's chancellor's wife at the time picked that because of the uniform color. Palo Alto, which is the city next to the campus (Stanford is unincorporated county land) is named for two trees that were located next to the campus along a creek that goes through the town and next to the campus. Only one still stands along a former rail line that is a trail now. Stanford's "mascot" is the Tree. The tree got in a fight with Cal's (bitter rivals) Oski the Bear one year. The person who wants to be the tree has to put on an elaborate show and stunts as part of their audition. In 2006, the tree , then a woman, got suspended for public drunkeness at a basketball game. She was sipping from a flask and had a BAC of 0.15! Stanford lost 21-28.
  18. San Mateo Marriott (near the SF Airport)
  19. He wasn't in the Senate yet, so how could he vote one way or the other?
  20. God, you libs will ignore everything your side does. If Biden or Obama had gone nuts during the debate and physically attacked their opponent, you would say it was faked by the VWRC.
  21. Sean Hannity will have a show on Sunday evening on Fox News outlining Obama's radical ties. Why not take a look at it?
  22. So the truth is mudslinging? Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were domestic terrorists. Dohrn was on the FBIs most wanted list for a time. They got off on a technicality and should be serving life in prison for treason. The group they founded have killed police. Dohrn is on record as saying about theTate-LaBianca murders "Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!" Dohrn also charged that her fellow left-wingers showed themselves to be scared "honkies" for not burning down Chicago when Black Panther leader Fred Hampton was killed, and urged her audience to arm themselves and be "a fighting force alongside the blacks." Obama and Ayers were both on the Board of the Annenberg Project which wasted millions of $ without improving student test scores one bit. Ayers was a neighbor. Obama held his first fundraiser in Ayers living room. When people wanted to view the records of the Annenberg Project, which were deposited at the Univ. of Ill at Chicago for public research, there wefe told they were private. What does Obama want to hide??? Ayers and his wife have rings made from shot down American jets. Ayers, in an interview that was published ironically on the morning of September 11, 2001, said that he wished that this radical group had done more bombings and wasn't repentant at all. Resko, a friend and an owner of a landlocked property next to Obama's mansion is under indictment. Another poker buddy of his had his office searched by the FBI this week. Do you want these kind of people visiting the White house??
  23. Ronnie Lott did the same thing. My aunt had hers cut off for medical reasons 55 years ago- no problems. Scared my dad when he came home on leave from the Navy. They hadn't told him and my aunt had her hand up to her face so it looked like she had her pinky all the way up her nose!
  24. SNL-What is that? Who watches it any more?
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