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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. And it is so hard to get a fake ID in any city. They can't ask you for your ID at the polling place. Once the person ahead of me in line said someone had already voted using his name!
  2. Not in California. It is in fact illegal for the poll worker to ask you for ID. We also have permanent absentee here. I haven't stepped foot in a voting booth for at least 6 or 7 years. I mail it in about a week before Election Day.
  3. If it's a twisted vessel, that needs tto be taken care of fast. My friend had it, which caused him lots of pain. The doctors said that it would lead to sterility or possibly loss of the testicle or testicles if not taken care of.
  4. Wherez thee hellllllllllllllllisthat camerrrrra in my apartmennnt?????
  5. The Festivus episode was on today!
  6. The WoW episode before the new one was better.
  7. I hope she skates out instead of walking on mats.
  8. Name a science or math program they financed.
  9. I posted once drunk. F' you'd to everybody on the PPP board. Next day my message was gone and I had a warning. I knew it wsa coming.
  10. Why not have Obama's and Ayer's old stomping grounds, the Annenberg Inititive fund it. Oh, they didn't fund any science or math education programs, just left wing social programs.
  11. Born in '57. I remember going to my cousin's house to watch the 1965 AFL Championship game on their color TV. My uncle worked at the Chevy plant on Delevan and he was the only one who could afford a color TV.
  12. ACORN is NOT nonpartisan.They have a long history of voter fraud. In 2006, they registered more people in an OHio county than there were people!
  13. ACORN is being investigated across the country for voter fraud. Is ACORN stealing this election? Guess who paid them at least 800K to register voters? Guess what "community organizer" started at ACORN? The FBI is launching investigations in 10 states. Students in CT have found 8500 dead people on the rolls. The dead in Chicago got JFK elected. it may happen again.
  14. I saw that on YouTube. It was a pathetic attempt by an Obama apologist to try to deflect the truth that he couldn't refute.
  15. Of course it's a Polish guy that breaks the record!
  16. Keith looks better. He's 65. She's 25!!!!
  17. People who are sick and tired of all the BS on the other networks, people with a brain.
  18. They didn't just meet once. They served on several boards. They worked together. Ayers suggested Obama for the Annenberg board. OBAMA STARTED HIS POLITICAL CAREER IN AYERS LIVING ROOM. His first fund raiser was there. The liars for Obama have stated that someone else set it up and suggested Ayers living room. The woman they named said no such thing happened. She was invited by both Ayers and Obama
  19. Of course, in France they would form a white flag.
  20. In Lake County, OH, half the registrations ACORN submitted were fake. Obama's first job out of law school was working for them.
  21. Don't you want children to be proud about their own country?
  22. "My Boys need a house!" "Up here, I'm already gone!" and the best: "I'm Cosmo Kramer, the Assman!"
  23. I am not saying that Obama is a terrorist, but he has has chosen to be friends with people that ARE. Don't tell me he didn't know Ayers was a terrorist. If he didn't, he's too stupid and naive to be in any political office. If he found out after meeting Ayers, he should have condemned him then, something which he hasn't done to this day. Maybe Obama was stoned during all his history classes. ACORN, which Obama "organized" for, is a massive leftist organization which is indicted all over the place for voter fraud. Almost every connection to Obama is a radical.
  24. Oh, and obama didn't serve on two boards with Ayers. and didn't start his political career from Ayers living room. Obama never said Axlerod was wrong, still using it as an excuse.
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