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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I think that Obama's capacity to be an effective leader compromised by the early age that his parents died at (45-50) and his heavy smoking. Have we seen his health records? I don't think a 47-year old who has a bad family health history and seems to get easily confused on the campaign trail (57 states) is up to the task, and no way in hell is his hand-picked VP candidate up to it (because he's an idiot- Stand up...ummmm).
  2. It's getting chilly here in NorCal. Although my AC went on about 4 PM, it is getting cold enough at night (~50)that I might have to turn on he heat.
  3. Also, that whole area is in high altitude. Unless you are in great shape, you might get altitude sickness. I went to a conference in Keystone (on the way to Vail, etc.). The resort was at 9-10K feet. I had headaches and couldn't sleep through the night until the second to last night. Also, the altitude gets you drunk much faster.
  4. If she knows where he is, why doesn't she tell us so we can wipe him out?
  5. The other cities in the area have stated concern that there is no provision to go after the scum that entrap teens as prostitutes. The only ones in the area that are for it are the idiots in SF.
  6. <_< :lol:
  7. Too easy to hit it. I was going for the delete key when my palm hit the right arrow.
  8. I wonder how sick she really is? Just saw this. Obama dances before visiting grandma
  9. I had a computer scare today. Suddenly the screen got turned 90 degrees! Happened when is was trying an alt+control+del on my dell laptop. Looked it up on my Mac on the internet and found it was an idiotic alt+control+arrow key shortcut! My palm had hit the right arrow key. Why the hell did some idiot at MS put that in there?
  10. The NYT hates republicans. The sky is blue. Water is wet. How many years (months?) before the NYT goes belly up?
  11. DML2005- love the avatar!
  12. It a thing called the internet. Look up the economy circa 1980. It was ancient history (before you were born). You probably thought the Bills teams of this decade were the worst of all time too. What are you, two years out of college?
  13. Obama mocks being for Joe the Plumber
  14. Long trip home after KC??? SF has to fly from the west coast.
  15. I think 99.999% of the UFOs seen around area 51 were actually the stealth planes while they were testing them. I have seen views of them from head on at a distance and they look exactly like flying saucers.
  16. People want to hire his company because they can talk to the people working in the yard. When the do gardening at the complex. I look for the guy that looks like a supervisor. He is usually the only one that can speak english.
  17. When they soak your employer, your job might be the one he cuts to save $.
  18. Of course your taxes will be lower. When you don't have a job you don't pay taxes!
  19. I know the instant potatoes Kraft makes can be used as paste for construction paper projects.
  20. Had my 82 year old mother, the Sabres and Bills nut, call me to remind me out here in CA.
  21. It can be something else, like a squirrel. The big northeast blackout in November 1965 was caused by a squirrel getting stuck in a relay at the Sir Adam Beck Power Plant in NF, Canada. We had a big blackout here in CA in the mid 90s (during the day) when a tree limb fell on power lines up in Oregon.
  22. Why didn't they have the battery powered emergency lights in the bathrooms?
  23. Which means he is a security risk, for blabbing it.
  24. Wasn't East Brady pushing Mr. Mortgage?
  25. The Sopranos isn't too far from the truth. Don't mess with the Laborer's union in Buffalo.
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