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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Today it might hit 90 here in the East SF Bay area.
  2. Well, on South Park they said Mormonism is the one true religion, since only Mormons go to heaven.
  3. The problem is MRSA (Multi-drug Resistant Staph Aureus). Most antibiotic resistance genes occur on small circles of DNA in bacteria called plasmids. Plasmids can be traded between bacteria and even different closely related bacterial species. MRSA has accumulated several of these genes and Vancomycin is about the only one that works. There have been isolated cases of vancomycin-resistant MRSA. The problem in Cleveland is probably guys with infections not telling the team and using the whirlpool.
  4. I still love that Shula's last game was a 37-22 loss to the Bills in the 1995 playoffs.
  5. The only bigot I see here is you.
  6. Get me some of whatever drugs you are on!
  7. Could be Marcia's vag.
  8. 5 or 10 of them?
  9. Troy who????? It's Trent you idiot.
  10. 4/10 stars Nice length. Points off for cliches about the snow and mentioning the Superbowl (which was 25 years ago for the Felons).
  11. You might not be safe! X-rays detected from scotch tape!
  12. Well, Bruschi got player of the week once because he got stampeded on a long run and had maybe 2 tackles.
  13. Great clip of Shatner as Denny Crane
  14. I thought that redneck high rise was the Clinton Presidential Library!
  15. I wrote this last week and lo and behold, there are new studies out that show that children who grow up on farms have less asthma and food allergies. There was also a study that showed that there was less asthma in East Germany than West Germany although East Germany had a lot more pollution. I heard it on the local news, so no link. Sorry.
  16. Remember, us "old balls" lived through it and saw it first hand.
  17. Typical lib response: It is on a Mormon web site, so therefore it is garbage.
  18. Here's from an LA Times article from May: The overview was contained in a one-page letter with no supporting documentation. “With no surgery or hospital stays, this is a complete summary of his doctor visits and medical records for the past two decades,” said campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki. The brief Obama letter contrasted with Arizona Sen. John McCain’s decision to let a selected group of reporters spend three hours with nearly 1,200 pages of health records last week. The article said Obama's last checkup was in January 2007. The point I am trying to make is that you libs keep harping that McCain is going to drop dead in the next 4 years. Give up on trying that tired old attack. From the documentation given, Obama and Biden both have as great a chance. Obama due to his smoking and Biden due to his aneurysms. You just plain out and out hate McCain and Palin. Admit it.
  19. Think about it. If a lefty shoots McCain, Palin is the President, which is the last thing you guys want.
  20. Then why weren't they released? McCain put his records out there for everyone to see. Obama and Biden haven't. Oh and McCain's mother is still alive at 94. So stop bringing up this nonsense of "McCain is going to die in office".
  21. He could still have a stroke, heart attack or lung cancer, even though he stopped several years ago. My father had stopped for 6 years.
  22. What are the chances of Obama kicking the bucket. Both his parents died at about his age and he is a chain smoker.He could have a stroke or heart attack or lung cancer at any time. My father died at 60 from lung cancer. He stopped smoking six years earlier and had no symptoms until he started coughing up blood. Biden has had two anyerusims(sp?). When was his last scan to see if any more are developing?
  23. Isn't that Planned Parenthood? Read Margret Sanger's writings.
  24. All you dummies calling for a windfall profits tax on the oil companies, where is the call for one on McD's?. They made 11% profits last quarter vs 8.5% for oil companies.
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