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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I thought it was a hung jury last week- what happened?
  2. I see all the left wing anti-semites are out today.
  3. People don't realize that the cuts that were passed in 2001 are going to expire after 2010. The estate tax will be 0 in 2010 and then jump back to its 1999 levels in 2011. Also, the income tax rates on EVERYBODY will go back to the 1999 levels. That's why the Robbie family sold it to him in the first place. They couldn't afford teh estate taxes.
  4. I was about 10 or 11 when the riots happened in the late 60s. I asked my father why they were wrecking their own neighborhoods instead of going other places (I was scared they would come out to Cheektowaga). He just shook his head and said I don't know- doesn't make sense does it? The riots were the reason we didn't go to Washington DC for a vacation that year. There was no way we were staying in any major city that summer. We ended up touring NYS for a week. Closest we got to NYC was West Point.
  5. I saw a lot of scary Halloween displays this weekend. They all said the same thing: Obama/Biden '08!
  6. Where's the joke? This is an everyday occurrence here in the SF Bay area.
  7. I was listening to the Niner's postgame and thecallers were all for Singletary. They were saying that the team needs someone to kick butt.
  8. Down another 18 cents to $2.99 in Dublin CA. It was still over $3.30 in San Jose today.
  9. The Niners just named Singletary HC. If he wins a bunch of games do they have to bring in white candidates for interviews at the end of the season?
  10. Stupid goalie can't walk on a carpet.
  11. The Paulbot was so loony that they threw her out of their organization last spring. She is just an attenton whore.
  12. NASA Ames is cool. I went to an open house there in 1997. It has the biggest wind tunnel in the world- they can put full size helicopters and small private jets in it! They also have a simulator with 6 degrees of motion. The shuttle astronauts do training in it. Also next to Moffett is the "Big Blue Cube", a facility painted robin egg blue with no windows and about 2 dozen satellite dishes around it. It was part of Onizakua (sp?- named after the Challenger astronaut) AFB (the only part) and is believed to be a station for the CIA satellites. Also on Modffett is a large hangar built for derigibles in the 30s. Mythbusters has used it and I think they filmed an Austin powers scene (his time machine car) there.
  13. I remember hearing in the early 90s that only about 33 % of the welfare money actually got to the people that needed it- the rest was bureaucratic waste. Probably down to 25% by now. Not to mention how much is going to illegal aliens.
  14. The fighter if used for research is OK. NASA 's Ames Research Center is at Moffett Field. What gets me us that they own a 757 and 767! They are greenies but have thse large jets. I also don't like that they have landing clearance at Moffett Field for their big jets. It is still a military/government field with controlled access to the area. It is still used for reserve use. You can see pilots practicing touch and gos every weekend. it is also wher Air Force one lands when in the area (Clinton landed there to visit Chelsea in college.
  15. I have read that McCain is within the margin of error or ahead in all those states.
  16. Sorry, but I feel that McCain is going to win. The polls are all BSas they are all over the place.
  17. Do they have 511 in other parts of the country? Call that in the Bay area and get info on traffic.
  18. From the most over-rated women thread, you said that you aren't even 20 yet! You aren't even wet behind the ears yet! All you know of the world is the pap they fed you in HS and freshman year in college.
  19. A great player! I remember one game he played against the Eagles. He had to cover Harold Carmichael, who was about 8-12 inches taller. Carmichael had the consecutive catch string active at that time. He caught just one that day, Greene stopped the rest.
  20. Its all government like that. I was in grad school and we had a NIH research grant. The prof came to us and said that we had to come up with 30K in equipment and supplies we needed that month or the grant would be cut by that much next year. No incentive to be frugal.
  21. I called it like I saw it then and now. You were calling me a coward for having a condition I had no control over which would disqualify me for service. Instead of getting in a big yelling match here, which would probably end up in me getting banned for a while, I decided to take it to the mods, the mature way to handle it. Yesterday, you started up with the chickenhawk BS again and I knew it was only a matter of time before you would get to me.
  22. I sat next to a woman on the BART today and she said she was in finance. We got to talking about the economy and one of the first things out of her mouth was that Frank should be arrested.
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