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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Morris works for whoever pays him. The $ comes first.
  2. One of the radio stations here in the SF area says when a deer has been hit: "There's a giant antlered rat down at..."
  3. Which goes to show again that bipartisanship in dem speak = BOHICA.
  4. Callouses? do you use your right hand now?
  5. fixed.
  6. Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
  7. I want my royalties! I used the Leon line a few months ago.
  8. If there were republicans to pin this on, the dems in congress would already have the gallows built. Therefore the dems are at fault. Frank and Dodd are the first two that should be doing the perp walk.
  9. Both Berkeley and Hastings are easy to get to, so you don't have to live right near the school. Hastings is on the plaza that City Hall is on . The BART station is only a block away, across the UN Plaza. Just a lot of bums sleeping on the grass on nice days. On rainy days, they are in the City library across the plaza (which requires you to mouth breathe if you have to go there). Bus routes all over the place. They say that in SF the farthest you have to walk is 3 blocks to get a transit route. In Berkeley, the BART station is also a block away. The Law School is across the street from a main entrance to the school. The Berkeley campus extends up to the top of the ridge behind it.
  10. If you like to hike or ride a bike on trails, there are tons of areas nearby. What law School in the SF area? If it's Stanford, its about 40 miles south of SF (the western edge of Silicon Valley)
  11. Mythbusters showed the sugar in the gas tank doesn't work. It ran even after sitting overnight.
  12. Did you search for text edit or textedit?
  13. No that 99 yard runback was at another game I was at and I was in the end zone they ran it back to. That game I remember.
  14. I was at that game. I have erased any memories of teh game itself from my brain.
  15. Get a potato and a rope. Tie the rope around the potato and attach the other end inside your pants. When someone asks what you are, you say " I'm a d*ck tater!"
  16. I'm recapping: The station by me was $3.33 last Sunday, $3.17 Thursday, $2.99 yesterday, and $2.93 today. That's 40 cents down in a week!
  17. Since ACORN got involved >300 million.
  18. I am asking a legit question. Last week I had read that the jury was hopelessly hung.
  19. Fixed it for you.
  20. I had Venison at a fancy restaurant in Basel, Switzerland once. It was more tasty than the best roast beef I have ever had. At least it's not Satriale's Pork Store in New Jersey.
  21. Thank you to the guy for saving us all a lot of $.
  22. I'll be glad if the series ends tonight. No more baseball until the spring.
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