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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Why is that racist? There are pictures of That One wearing that exact getup.
  2. Biden is a freakin' village idiot.
  3. How can 95% get a tax break when 40% DON"T EVEN PAY ANY TAXES??????
  4. How may facelifts has she had? Joan Rivers has skin that smooth, but can't smile anymore.
  5. Where's the windfall profits tax on Big Macs? McD's out performed them. They made 11% profit.
  6. Then WTF was he talking about???? A mini-stroke caused by another aneurysm??
  7. And Probably 29, 999,000 were the KoolAid drinkers.
  8. To an accuracy of 3.5 feet!
  9. A place I used to work at in Alameda was where the cops would set up. Many a morning we had a cycle cop sitting in the driveway with his radar gun. They also set up portable scales just before our building sometimes. Also, the way to Alameda was through a tunnel (appeared about 2-3 seconds in the second Matrix movie). Immediately after the tunnel is an overpass. The speed limit in the tunnel is 40 and the on the overpass is 30. People go 60 through the tunnel and don't slow down. The cops set up where they can see the top of the overpass and nail numerous people. People in who work in the area know to slow before the top of the overpass. Also the city is a stickler for tickets. They have ticketed people for 35 in a 30 zone.
  10. Oh No! Guinea Rabbits and Guinea Bees!
  11. I think that's already legal!
  12. I have read that there are no provisions for stopping sex slavery and underaged prostitution. The police forces in the area say they think that this will all gravitate to SF if it passes. At least in Nevada, in areas it is legal, it is regulated. It will not be regulated in SF.
  13. Does this have to do with South Park? It's on in about 2 hours. I missed the one last week. Is it worth watching them both tonight?
  14. Just SF. The only other place that is as loony as SF is Bezerkeley. There are actually some pretty conservative areas here and there. The conservative station is #1 in the morning drive. SF is nuts. The mention about plastic bags is true. The larger stores cannot use plastic bags. As it is, there are a lot less supermarkets per capita in SF than the rest of the area because of all the loony regulations. The bums sleep on the lawn in front of City Hall (a beautiful building) in good weather. When it rains, they are all in the nearby Central Library. When I have a job in SF, I have to look up info at the library, and I have to breathe through my mouth because of the stench. The bathrooms in a beautiful new building will gag you. I actually found one off the cafe in the basement where it doesn't stink. I suggested they kill two birds with one stone. They are complaining there are a lot of bags blowing around. Pay the bums to pick them up! About the power measure. I just saw a commercial against it. Feinstein (US Senator) , the SF mayor, renewable energy advocates, the Chamber of Commerce, and community groups are against it.
  15. Which he probably didn't discuss how he would handle them without bankrupting the country. I'm being psychic because it hasn't been on here.
  16. Also on the ballot there is a measure that would require the city to force PG&E to sell them the electrical infrastructure and then set a goal of 50% of "renewable energy " by 2015. This would be expected to double the electric rates. No groups want this, only the board of "Stuporvisors".
  17. belinda
  18. I think I'll learn a lot more watching Time Warp.
  19. The San Francisco Treat
  20. We'll it isn't on in the west. It will be on later (8 PM our time). I've got 2 hours to decide what else to watch.Probably Time warp on Discovery.
  21. I think Beerball watched for LuLu Roman.
  22. Lets pull out of Chicago immediately! it isn't working! It's safer to be a soldier in Iraq than to walk around Chicago!
  23. They are attacking the reporter who dare asked Biden some tough questions because ... gasp!... her husband is a REPUBLICAN! No criticism of George Stepinawfulstuff or Andrea Mitchell.
  24. Obama is accepting untraceable donations. Massive fraud and massive donations from foreign citizens (which is illegal) is possible. There have ben report of people getting charges that they didn't make to That One's campaign.
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