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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. SNL isn't on yet here in the west, but from a conservative board I'm on, they said it was good. McCain and his wife were on with Tina Fey as Palin. He had a QVC show where he sold commerative plates with the town hall debates him and Obama had -they were blank! (Obama refused that format). Cindy McCain did the hand wave in front of some McCain Fine- gold jewelry. and Tina Fey had Joe the Plumber, and Joe Biden dolls. The Biden doll- pull the cord and it talks for 45 minutes. Later Ben Affleck did a scathing mock out of Olberman, showing him living in his mothers basement and the worst person in the world being the condo board where he wanted to move turning him down because of his pet cat.
  2. Hey conner, find out who brought down WTC7 yet?
  3. Except it's SF, they aren't logical. You have a Board of "Stuporvisors" that is more worried about plastic bags in supermarkets, banning fois gras (they force feed the geese), costing the city billions by taking over the PG&E system in the city, and other non-important things. SF has the lowest % of children of any major city in the country. People are sick of finding syringes in almost every playground and park in the morning. Walk down Market Street (the main drag) just before the stores open. They are all washing the urine off the sidewalk. They don't do anything to stop bums from sleeping on the lawn in front of the nice city hall. It is a very beautiful city, but tourists do say, why don't they do something about the nuts and bums wandering around. Some idiots even are trying to get the Sewage plant named after Bush. What a waste of time and money.
  4. In my area , the XM/Sirius cuts out in a ravine that has sides that in some places are 500-700 feet high. The radio antenna can't see the satellite.
  5. No problem. Loaded up fine.
  6. The wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round......
  7. That crazy old woman on top of the hill in Tiburon who shoots at the cops !
  8. And now we have his campaign havung to refund her $265 contribution to his campaign! Two reasons: 1) Foreign nationals can't contribute 2) Illegal aliens can't contribute. She's living in the projects. Where the F did she get the $ to contribute?
  9. Biden's out there today still trying to link McCain to Bush. That's all they have and it didn't work and they are still trying it at the last minute. He should be spelling out their plans if it is in the bag, but either they can't get it straight (is it 250K, 200K, 150 K or 97.5K?) or they don't want crazy uncle Joe running around with his pants down and a lampshade on his head.
  10. yeah, I see you posted.
  11. As shown on Seinfeld.
  12. According to the press, its a landslide. It wont matter if even 10 % stay home then. Correct? Or are they too lazy and stupid and need to be told to vote and for who?
  13. Remember when you were in college and knew you would ace the test, you took it easy , had a nice dinner, brushed up on the material a little, and went to bed at a reasonable time. The guy who didn't prepare or know the material was cramming till 3 AM. If Obama has this locked up like they say he does, why doesn't he take it easy the last few days? He is going full blast until Monday night. An example: Here in CA, he has the state sewed up. Why are there tons of commercials for him the last several weeks? Have to spend that anonomous (sp?) money from overseas raised by Visa gift cards on something.
  14. To tie into this, here is some info on the estate tax: Prior to the estate tax reduction, estates were taxed at rates beginning at 37 percent and going as high as 55 percent. Generally, the estate tax only applied to assets exceeding $1 million. Included in President Bush's tax cuts, however, was a provision to phase out the estate tax rate over the next few years. For families with large real estate holdings such as farms that have been held for generations or small businesses, this stroke of good luck will ensure that assets are passed onto posterity without Uncle Sam taking a majority of the bounty. This would be accomplished in two ways: 1.) by raising the amount exempt from the estate tax rate, and 2.) lowering the estate tax rate itself. According to the IRS literature, an estate tax filing need only be made if the value of an estate exceeds the following amounts: 2005: First $1,500,000 in assets 2006-2008: First $2,000,000 in assets 2009: First $3,500,000 in assets In addition, the maximum estate tax rate applied to the amounts in excess of these figures are as follows: 2005: 47 percent 2006: 46 percent 2007- 2009: 45 percent In 2010, the estate tax rate drops to zero percent; if you die in that year, your heirs would not pay taxes, even if you passed on $20 billion! One caveat: Congress ensured that the law sunsets in 2011. That is, on January 1st, 2011, the estate tax rate will return to its pre-Bush levels. Practically speaking, this means the difference between dying on December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2011 can mean 55 percent of your estate if you are person of means! Obama has never said that he will make these cuts permanet if elected. That means in 2012, if your estate is > $1M, it will be taxed at 37 %. In Albany, NY his may be a lot, but here in the SF Bay area, the average house is still about $450-500K.
  15. No we aren't dipwad. I was watching I think CNBC yesterday and it gave some stats and aid they were since 1980 (Carter's term). And if you say it in a major speech in your political career, shouldn't you actually do it? Why should we believe him? Please just answer this simple question. Isn't it referring to the biblical story of Cain and Abel? I thought you lefties wanted religion out of politics.
  16. I for one welcome our new insect overlords. ...
  17. Less than a year ago (December) he said that below $97,500 was middle class. Watch between for this part.
  18. Simple. They have no answer and are just waiting for the KoolAid to take effect. Mmmm. Grape.
  19. I'll go back to calling him the Messiah or Barak Hussein Obama then.
  20. "I am my Brother's keeper" Another lie by That One.
  21. WTF does this have to do with this thread.
  22. I don't live in SF, but about 30 miles away, so I didn't vote on it (I voted about 10 days ago by permanent absentee ballot). It is a city measure (the city and county of SF . It says that they won't arrest anyone for prostitution, there are no provisions to go after sex-slaves rings (big in the area -they have busted housed with 30 or more Asian prostitutes in them in other places in the area) or child prostitution. The mayor, DA, and neighborhood groups are against it. I would vote no. SF is enough of a cesspool as it is.
  23. That One's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, who he wrote about in his book, has been living in the projects in Boston. She was ordered deported in 2004! "I'm my brother's keeper." Yeah, Right. AP Story
  24. No kids for the second year. I live in a ~500 unit apartment complex and there are very few kids here. Anticipating that, I bought a small bag of snickers- looks like I'll have them all. Ended up watching 100 Scariest Movie Moments on Bravo.
  25. Stanford- not so much I worked at Stanford in the mid 90s. The Graduate School is top notch, but the undergraduate program, no. It has been changed but in the 90s, you could drop a class in the last week of the semester and it wouldn't appear on your transcript. You could take a class over and over and the last mark would be the only one on your transcript. That made me think much much less about that program.
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