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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. The previous vote was for a measure (law). The court invalidated it, and then gays ran to get married. This time, it was a Constitutional Amendment. As far as I know, that can't be overturned. Proposition 8was reworded by Ex-Governor and Mayor of Oakland Moonbeam (now the Attorney General) a few weeks ago to be against the "rights" of gays to be married. Previously, when it got all the signatures, it simply stated that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. There is a loophole. The schools have to teach about marriage and that included gay marriage. by defining marriage, they can't teach gay marriage to kindregardeners or 1st graders. There have been reports of some schools having kids (even 1st graders) sign some sort of pledge without it being sent to the parents first. The No on 8 people who were asking us all to be tolerant were not tolerant at all. Massive numbers of Yes on 8 signs were destroyed. Near me a guy stapled up his McCain/Palin, Yes on 8, and local signs about 10 feet up his palm trees to protect them. Someone either used a ladder or something else to destroy his Yes on 8 sign, while leaving the others alone. In Modesto, some guys from a church were putting up signs. A bunch of goons beat them up and stole the signs (about 100). Also the notification for abortion- Your kid cannot get an aspirin or a vitamin at school without you being notified, but she can go and get an abortion without you knowing about it.
  2. CNN jumped the shark in 1992. It is going to be renamed ONN.
  3. When there's a planned motorcade, they weld the manholes shut.
  4. I've always loved Big Brother. You didn't see the dregs I saw voting when I was in downtown Oakland. I bet 90% had never voted before, ad where paid to out of all those hundreds of millions that Obama illegally raised.
  5. What flavor was the KoolAid they served?
  6. Has anyone looked for the 666 ? We know it's not Biden because we had a good look at his scalp before the hairplugs.
  7. Obama
  8. Have you finished cleaning the splooge off the TV screen in your dorm lounge yet?
  9. So much of that money he raised came from illegal overseas money obtained by untraceable gift cards and credit card fraud. His campaign took off the safeguards that require an address and ID verification. Ask people who studied the economics of the Great Depression. The thing that prolonged it to the entire 1930s was raising taxes. All those government (NRA, WPA, CCC, etc) programs did nothing to shorten it. The taxing Obama wants to do is will likely push this recession into a depresion. Hey, but i will get my car and rent paid!
  10. i'm surprised Drew Barrymore didn't offer them a drink or a doobie! That tune is in some reggae song. I had a hard time getting some younger people (that are probably about 30 now) that it was originally from the Banana Splits.
  11. Are Plugs plugs dieing off?
  12. Here's some stats from yesterday's paper: 77 total yards, worst since 1961. -2 yards offense in the first half. 10 total net yards passing Time of posession 14:45 Raiders first first down- 6:04 into the second half (Atlanta had 22 by then) and ended 30-3 at the end of the game. All of the Raiders 13 first half plays were inside their own 27.
  13. Goodnight. The UB game is over (they won 37-17) and I have to get ready for a job tomorrow. I just can't believe that people are as stupid as they were when they elected Bubba., but again, seeing the mouth breathers in downtown Oakland yesterday, I'm not surprised
  14. This country is going to be so screwed up in 4 years unless the dems manage to do it in 2 that we'll be begging for them. Raising taxes in a recession is the fastest way to turn it into a depression. It happened in the 30s and look how long that one lasted. Also, you'll be looking longingly at the freedom of speech we have now. Criticism of the Messiah will be labeled racism / hate speech.
  15. Hey Molson, did you ever figure who crayonz was talking about in the ROTFL thread this morning??
  16. I'm watching UB, so I'm not seeing anything about the election. The polls out here haven't even closed. They should just report the raw numbers till 8 eastern time. Too bad it's not prime time out here. It hurts people running for local offices out here.
  17. The reason they released them just after noon on 1/20/81 was a final FU to Carter and knowing that RR would be sending in the troops the next week.
  18. Heard on ESPN2 during the UB game.
  19. Expect something similar if the Messiah gets in. I expect the Misery index to come back and Obama wearing sweaters by the fireplace giving a speech on TV.
  20. What do they call the elevator at the Cheektowaga Town Hall? A ski lift! Why didn't they build the stadium in Cheektowaga? Every seat would be behind a pole. (I'm 100% Polish) In the late 80s-early 90s, 6/7 of the Cheektowaga Town Board members and all other town elected officials were Polish. The lone one, Tom Johnson, said he had a Polish mother.
  21. What the hell is this calling a state with 1% of the vote in. Wait till there is no mathematical way one person can win the state. I'm watching UB and deciding what shotgun to buy tomorrow .
  22. Don't count your chickens.
  23. You still don't. Zooom! Molson, who is crayonz talking about then?
  24. Molson has no idea who you are talking about.
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