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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. ????????? :blink: When I see stuff like this from you, I just remember that you think 9/11 is an inside job.
  2. DC can't be transmitted far without major losses. That's why we use AC (Thank you Nicolas Tesla). High temp superconduction is not room temperature. How much will it cost to cool the transmission lines?
  3. Simple conclusion: Obama's GOT NO BALLS!
  4. Molson's too stupid to find SabreSpace.
  5. Liberal judges and lawmakers. He should have been executed in the 1970s.
  6. And if I remember, close to the Flamingo.
  7. Watching the discovery channel today I saw Ozzy Osbourne doing a commercial. He's at a coffee shop, in cab and a psychiatrist's office . He mumbles and none of them can understand him until he texts them.
  8. Lets find a way to use retatta as a power source!
  9. I don't hang on his every word, as you do to the DNC memos. We are in a recession. Obama has stated that he wants to raise taxes and restrict free trade. That is what Hoover did. If Obama goes through with that, we may well get a depression. There has been talk in Congress of getting rid of private 401(k)s. Do you want the people who run the post office running your retirement investments? There is no Social Security Trust Fund now, it is all IOUs as it has been raided for trying to balance the budget.
  10. Tie with lots of injuries on both teams.
  11. Maid had the day off? The prices are reflecting the high gas prices from this summer. I heard Wegman's actually lowered some prices this week. Also prices for animal feed and corn based products went up because of the push for using ethanol.
  12. hey peabrain, The Secret Service investigated and found that the only preson who heard these "threats" was the reporter.
  13. Leave being crayonz to crayonz.
  14. Glad to hear that you made it. They are closing the CC store in my town, but it was not surprising. Everytime I went in there, there were about the same # of employees as customers. They were talking about moving to a new plaza. Also in town, the Chevy dealer is going under. Not unexpected also since all the dealers have moved out of "downtown" to another area of town. They were the last one. Also the Mervyn's chain is closing, which had a large store in town. The town looks at it as a way to revitalize the downtown with a more modern mix of stores.
  15. For the last eight years, they have just criticized, but never offer sound thought out ways to solve what they think is wrong.
  16. Why don't you go an beat off to your Obama shrine. Give it a rest. You won. You'll realize you made a mistake soon enough.
  17. What is so hard about Recycling them? I store them under the sink and take them to the recycling receptacle at the supermarket every few weeks. Or you could pay the bums to clean them up. Kill two birs with one stone.
  18. Touchy feely weenie Why didn't you something hard and major in science.
  19. She was filmed by a Scandinavian film crew (don't remember which country). See the foreign language at the beginning.
  20. Nope. husband and wife about 60-65. Usually when I work in SF, i get right back on the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and get back home right away. Wednesday, I was done at 1 PM and Chinatown started on the next block, so I went over there. Contrary to popular opinion, the only place you see a lot of gay couples walking about hand in hand in SF is in the Castro, the gay neighborhood.
  21. I did a job Wednesday in the Financial District in SF. I have to look at properties and often the Maintenance Supervisor escorts us around the building. Small talk ensues and I found out the man who escorted us was originally from Jamestown and is a relative of the former Bill executive Pat McGroder! Chinatown started on the next block, so I walked over there to have lunch instead of having fast food once again. On the way out of the restaurant, I see two tourists looking at a map and ask if they needed help. We got to talking and they were on vacation from Ridgeway, Ontario.
  22. Rat's! I thought it was about Christopher Hitchens.
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