Well global warming may be real (the earth has been cooling during this very quiet solar minium). But there is no proof that it is man made.
The people pushing it cite models, but that is not real science. Depending on assumptions you make in setting up the model, the results may vary widely.
People who don't want any animal testing say we should use computer models. We laughed at them (I used to be in biotech). A single cell is more complex than any computer model. The earth's climate is infinitely more complex than that.
As for the WTC, how can anyone with sense think even the possibility of it being an inside job. Find the special that was on the History Channel recently. They spent two hours debunking the the "Truthers" point by point. Talk to DC Tom He saw the plane pass over him on the way to the Pentagon. Talk to another person here on TSW (forgot his name now) who worked across the street from the WTC.