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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. It's almost summer there, It's going to get warmer. The sheet is in one of the most northern portions of the continent, thence it will be warmer. There is an active volcano under the ice sheet nearby that lubricates the ice flowing to the sea and is probably warming the water there.
  2. Have a nice nap. Ran across it while changing stations on the car radio once and I almost fell asleep at the wheel.
  3. His avatar is the woman in Heroes (I don't know her name). SDS showed us pictures of his wife's abs after they had his son and before she was pregnant with his daughter. His wife is in great shape.
  4. We can sure try our best. It's a real Happy Thanksgiving for those Americans in Bombay today. Should we have just talked with Hitler and Tojo? This is a world war against those that hate the west and non Islamic ruled countries. Every country should treat it as such. Once they wipe out the infidels, they'll go after the sects that don't agree with them.
  5. The scum also attacked a railway station. Oh, I shouldn't call them that, it may get them madder. Those sub-human scum should be eradicated from the earth.
  6. If we only talked to them, they wouldn't have attacked the WTC and the Pentagon. No, that wouldn't work because WTC 7 was an inside job.
  7. The scum in Bombay also attacked a children's hospital. The world has to view these Islamo-terrorists the way it was stated in Terminator (I paraphrase): Listen, and understand. The Islamo-terrorists are out there. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
  8. But Bush was over reacting and teh Messiah can talk them out of anything.
  9. I was surfing and they had a list of 145 notable people that died this year. In the list was Obama's grandmother. She died two days before the election. I don't watch the network news, but I do read the paper every day and didn't see anything about him going to her funeral. From what I understand, he was one of the few relatives she had left. Was she cremated or buried or is she still sitting in a morgue or mortuary? I am just curious and not doing this to stir up stuff.
  10. Dropped fro 2.03on Friday to 1.93 this AM. This afternoon on the way home, it was 1.89!
  11. I just hope we didn't get a piece of EII's finger in our cold cuts! My mother used to shop at the store he worked in. EII- have all your fingers??
  12. They showed a guy on the TV near the end. He was in the UPPER UPPER corner of the upper deck. There were maybe 5 seats in the row. No one within maybe 10-15 rows of him. He was up there by himself with his head in his hands. Laughing our asses off at the bar.
  13. Down another 10 cents to $1.93 in Dublin, CA today.
  14. Down from $2.23 to $2.03 in a week in the east SF Bay area. I expect $1.99 Monday.
  15. I remember it clear as a bell. I was in First grade. The phone rings, the teacher has a shocked look, goes outside in the hall , comes back in and was crying. She told us then. The school was small (~150 kids). They put the one TV they had (it was wheeled from room to room if they wanted to show us something on Channel 17 (before tape). They put it in our Gymacafatorium and we watched the news until they could get the busses to the school and send us home early. I remember watching the funeral and then watching live when Ruby shot Oswald (I think it was Sunday morning). My father shouted "Holy sh--!!!!!"
  16. Watch Total Recall last night?
  17. This is a ploy to make people forget her by 2012.
  18. They are so tame, I could probably go up to one and wring it's neck, and claim it was hit by a car. One day I hear one really loud. open my door and it's about 2 feet away. Why let the coyotes or mountain lions have the good meals
  19. Don't forget the ill-mannered sea bass
  20. Already on the PPP, move it over there.
  21. Next year come on down to Dublin. There here every year. I heard a bunch this morning just outside my door. The complex I live in is right on the CC-Alameda county line.
  22. No. SHARKS with frickin' laser beams!
  23. Who cares. Only PETA morons and morons like you think it's not a PR stunt. We have about 50 wild turkeys walking around my neighborhood. They are pretty good sized, as big as any farm grown ones. I have threatened a few with being made into dinner if they jump on and crap on my car as they did to one of the neighbor's cars.
  24. I had a job last week in Mill Valley, CA (Marin County) where the building next door had The Institute for Shamanistic Studies. The landlord of that building was the owner of the one I was looking at . He just shook his head when he told me about it. I said "As long as they pay the rent.. After all, this is Marin County."
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