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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I see you watched Family Guy this week.
  2. The local radio station noted that in ALL the wire stories on his arrest, NOT ONE mentioned that he is a dem. If he was a republican, it would be in the first or second sentence.
  3. Whatever he has has to be numb.
  4. We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgement of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around me Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again The change, it had to come We knew it all along We were liberated from the foe, that's all And the world looks just the same And history ain't changed 'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around me Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again No, no! I'll move myself and my family aside If we happen to be left half alive I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky For I know that the hypnotized never lie Do ya? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! There's nothing in the street Looks any different to me And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye And the parting on the left Is now the parting on the right And the beards have all grown longer overnight I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around me Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again No, no! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Meet the new boss Same as the old boss
  5. Find Dave Chappell's Blind black white supremacist bit. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.
  6. Elliot using the intelligent sounding version of "I know you are, but what am I?".
  7. My father was stationed on Ford Island in the late 40s-early 50s during the Korean War. There was no Arizona Memorial yet, just the twisted burnt superstructure poking up above the water. The also had left a lot of the bullet holes in in the hangars to remind the servicemen what had happened.
  8. A friend worked at the Cavages (record store chain for the youngsters) HQ in Cheektowaga. They had a program where inmates at Attica could buy albums from them. Chapman ordered all the Lennon albums. The boss there said no F'n way they would send them.
  9. Was he on Prosac today?? His expression was exactly the same every time they showed him.
  10. Dammit, where's my car and rent payments!!?
  11. The Dean,They showed it was OJ's blood. It was a 1 in something like 10 BILLION (more than there are people on the earth) chance that it was someone else's. If it was his son, it would have been somewhere like 50-70 % similar. Spell out for me how they framed OJ.
  12. The nail cuticle and hair follicle are alive.The nail and hair itself are dead. The cells that go into the matrix are dead. Hair has no cells. the follicle does. That is why you need the follicle for a DNA test, not just a discarded hair. The shampoos and conditioners that give hair "body" do nothing but coat the keratin with chemicals that make it thicker.
  13. He'll be the most famous person in the Phillipines now. The whole country was watching. The cops even said that they expected crime to go to almost zero during the fight.
  14. He just happened to be there when they were killed? That is about as likely as Conner's WTC7 ideas. There was more evidence pointing to OJ than to any case I have ever seen on any of the shows showing real crimes. The fact is they selected 12 idiots for the jury and they got BS'd by all the scumbags that OJ hired.
  15. How do you explain the cut in the glove at the same place he cut his finger? How do you explain his Bruno Magli shoe prints at the crime scene? How do you explain their blood on his socks?
  16. Dershowitz supports and gets off two murderers- Von Bulow and OJ.
  17. Hey Mensa, 1) Your fingernail has no cells. It is keratin, like your hair or a horse's hoof and is just protein. 2) It is a unique, alive human being. In the past I have listed things that an organism must do to be living. This was out of the first chapter of my basic biology book from college. (Look it up if it wasn't erased by the last big crash- I don't want to go through it all again.)The fertilized egg meets each of these criteria. The fertilized egg has a unique set of genes, unlike any other person before or after it (except for identical twins, which are actually clones). Even identical twins have slight differences due to differential gene expression due to slightly different environments in utero.
  18. The only reason they got sued is that they didn't label it a parody. Since then everybody has to.
  19. I forgot about: Cheating on a hot wife from day one, getting us really involved in Vietnam, making a "waitress sandwich "along with Chris Dodd, get accused of raping a drunk woman, killing a teenager with a golf club and getting away with it for about 30 years (well the last two were by cousins, but they still had Kennedy blood in them).
  20. If Ted Kennedy drove a Volkswagon, he'd be President today. Best National Lampoon parody ad ever. Got sued by Volkswagon and Ted Kennedy.
  21. Amazing since they were the second worst team in Division 1 (something like #255) before he came.
  22. OJ had something to watch as he was settling in his temporary home. They say he may eventually go to Ely, NV. The only way there is I-80. There are signs on the interstate saying don't pick up hitchhikers- may be escaped convicts. Out in the middle of nowhere.
  23. Really glad to see my Alma Mater be champs. When I was there, we didn't even have a team.
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