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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Due diligence- look it up. He should have been fully vetted before the Messiah named him for the post.
  2. Anchorman was made several years ago, before Steve Carrel started doing The Office. I thought it was a very funny movie.
  3. Simple- stop firing the rockets. I am so sick of the press not saying that Hamas has ben shooting rockets for weeks before Israel finally did something and not calling the Palis and all Islamofascists cowards for hiding in the middle of civilian areas. Is Israel supposed to just let themselves be destroyed?
  4. I see they did it the Washington way. Create new votes until your side wins.
  5. On the local postgame show after the Indy-SD game, They mentioned that Al Davis asked permission to talk to Kevin Killdrive.
  6. Al Sharpton is a joke. Who said the Messiah is clean and articulate? Well it was his own VP, Plugs Biden! It is a clever parody because it hits close to reality. The Rev Al didn't enthusiastically Back the Messiah, and Jessie wanted to cut his nads off. I didn't see any pictures of them campaigning with him. He came in and didn't pay his dues. What is racist? The use of the words magic negro? The term was put out in the public by a black jewish writer for the the liberal LA Times.
  7. Why not read the words and hear the song, then comment. The singer is parodying Al Sharpton singing it through a bullhorn. Here are the words (to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon) : Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C. The L.A. Times, they called him that ‘Cause he’s not authentic like me. Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper Said he makes guilty whites feel good They’ll vote for him, and not for me ‘Cause he’s not from the hood. See, real black men, like Snoop Dog, Or me, or Farrakhan Have talked the talk, and walked the walk. Not come in late and won! [refrain] Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C. The L.A. Times, they called him that ‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically. Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C. The L.A. Times, they called him that ‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically. Some say Barack’s “articulate” And bright and new and “clean.” The media sure loves this guy, A white interloper’s dream! But, when you vote for president, Watch out, and don’t be fooled! Don’t vote the Magic Negro in – ( "Sharpton"’ then goes into rant from this point ) ‘Cause — cause I won’t have nothing after all these years of sacrifice And I won’t get justice. This is about justice. This isn’t about me, it’s about justice. It’s about buffet. I don’t have no buffet and there won’t be any church contributions, And there’ll be no cash in the collection plate. There ain’t gonna be no cash money, no walkin’ around money, no phoning money. Now, Barack going to come in here and – This was written in 2007. It takes words written by Dems and mocks out Sharpton. This is not news. Don't tell me that Rev Al and Jessie are great friends of the Messiah.
  8. 73 yards offense 0/7 on 3rd down conversions 20 points off of takeaways!
  9. When they know they have the guy tied up, the second player tears at the ball.
  10. Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porches, I must make amends..
  11. I went to UB in the mid-late 70s. I was told that the reason football was dropped was that the hippies and other idiots back then thought it was too militaristic and the attendance was almost nothing when it was dropped in 1970.
  12. He can turn the world on with his smile. Take a nothing day and make it all seem worthwhile.
  13. The song parody came out in the spring when the LA Times article called him a "Magic Negro". If you listen to it, the singer is supposed to be Al Sharpton and it is he is mad because thye Messiah is "not authentic like me". It is a song mocking the liberal press and Al Sharpton. But the libs just take what is in the press and don't actually spend the energy to get the whole story.
  14. The Vogons are putting in a galactic bypass.
  15. I've been in bufalo since the 18th. It was 1.99 then and I just saw 1.78 today.
  16. And in other breaking news, Al Gore's son was caught with grass. Subconsciously the dems love her, that's why they can't stop thinking about her
  17. Why is prop 8 unconstitutional? It is an amendment to the state constitution. To repeal it requires another amendment. I guess that the amendment to the constitution that freed the slaves is unconstitutional then.
  18. The title of the thread.
  19. Why don't these nutjobs go and buy a tube of that stuff they use and put the name on themselves. They probably can't spell. Oh, and Debbie, the first amendment only stops the GOVERNMENT from infringing on your free speech.
  20. Fred Thompson was an advisor to the Republicans in Congress during Watergate, same position that Hillary had for the dems. Then he went into acting before winning Manbearpig's seat.
  21. Pasta Joe, I ask you as I have asked Conner, and others, what is your science background.?
  22. Honestly, I was on a bus in downtown SF behind City Hall and I swear a saw a few snowflakes coming down. It was maybe 43-45 for the high yesterday. Only the second time in 14 years here that I've worn my winter jacket. All the mountains near the bay have snow. They were going nuts that people have to actually scrape ice off their windshields. Also telling parents to bundle the kids up and use scarves and gloves (It's only the upper 30s). I just heard that the cable cars aren't running today because of problems with the cables. I bet they iced up overnight.
  23. I think I saw a few snowflakes in downtown San Francisco today. The other flakes are there every day.
  24. WNY tie-in. John Walsh is from WNY and went to UB.
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