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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. The best example of this is when a man opened up FIGMOS (Finally I Got My Own Supermarket) in the old Loblaws next to the Rockpile. It lasted 1-2 years. The reason he gave for closing- They shoplifted me out of existence. My B-I-L delivered food to the Family Dollar on William Street in the inner city. The manager had to stand on the dock with a gun because people were stealing cases between the truck and the store!
  2. On a local radio station today(I'm in the Bay Area), an Oakland cop called in and said the protest at the BART station was peaceful. It got violent when anarchists (white teens-early 20s whites- the same ones that show up at the G-8 meetings) egged on the crowd to march downtown and then to damage businesses.
  3. I always love watching this video: The Internet is for Porn
  4. Bunch of idiots are protesting today, causing the closing of two BART stations. The trains are going through, but if you wanted to get off at those stations, you need to wait for >1/2 hour for a bus-bridge back to the affected stations. The cops outnumber the protesters who are walking and setting garbage cans and dumpsters on fire. Live on TV- the Oakland cops are in riot gear and marching down the streets herding the idiots away.
  5. He's qualified! Harry Reid called him clean and articulate, like Biden described Obama!
  6. If you want to see the real SF, go to city hall and count the bums on the lawn. If it's raining, go to the Central library to see them. Don't know about Tahoe, as the closest I have gotten was driving on I-80 when I moved to CA. It's about a 3 1/2 hour drive as past Auburn, (1300 ft), the highway starts climbing. Donner Pass is at about 7500 feet. If it's going to be snowing you may have to put on chains. If they say it is required an the day you go up or come back, they will not let you go on. The Interstate gets closed if there is too much snow. They have gates that go across the highway (2-3 lanes each way) to close it.
  7. There are experimental drugs that can promote your life, but not cure the cancer. My godmother died Saturday at 82. In October 2006, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It usually kills you in 6 months to a year. At least I got to see her the week before she died when I was back in Buffalo visiting.
  8. This happened about 2:30 AM on New Years. The train was full of people coming back from bars. I rode through this station about 12 hours later coming home from the airport and there was no police tape. I heard about it on the evening news. I couldn't get the video to load, but I have seen several on the local news. It appears that the cops were stunned after he shot the guy and he probably thought he had the taser in his hand.
  9. A great movie that very few know about!
  10. Murder and being a member of the KKK top everything else.
  11. Better morals than Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd for sure.
  12. For you youngsters: I went to UB in the late 70s. I took Computer Science 101 (Basic and Fortran). UB had three campuses. There were three computer centers. You had to wait for the card puncher and if you made a mistake on any letter or number on the card you had to retype the whole card. You would enter the program by putting the cards in a reader and wait sometimes for a few hours to get your printout on those big perforated sheets. You would sometimes be there till 3 AM waiting for your printout. I almost had an accident because I dosed off driving back down the 290 and 90 home. I woke up driving o the shoulder near the Kensington Expressway exit. Another time my battery died and I spent the night on a sofa in the Elicott dorms because someone was nice enough to give me a ride from the Ridge Lea (off NF Boulevard) campus to the Amherst campus.
  13. Another example of government's archaic computer systems. Probably runs on MS-DOS.
  14. I didn't see either game Sunday. I was outside getting some exercise.
  15. Sorry, but with a screen name like BillsPride, you shouldn't be making mistakes like that. I have seen lots of youngsters on this board sating that the recent teams have been the worst in Bills history,. Most weren't even born yet in 84 or 85. First game I remember watching was the 65 AFL Championship, which was the first color TV show I watched.
  16. Dr. Phil, like Dr. Laura, is a PhD, not a MD.
  17. He also said once Hull retired, he would retire. They did at the same time.
  18. He fits right in with all the other dems in the Senate. All loons.
  19. How old are you? 12? Flutie played in the CFL. Kelly was with the Houston Gamblers of the USFL
  20. The ACLU was founded by a number of communists. What a bunch of terrorist sympathisers.
  21. She's in love with her , or deathly afraid.
  22. A Giant Douche with a Turd Sandwich of a plan. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss....
  23. I was flipping through the dial tonight and caught the beginning of a documentary on MSNBC called "Dear Zachary". I ended up riveted to the TV for the entire 2 hours. It is about a doctor that was murdered by his ex girlfriend. The maker of it was a lifelong friend of the murdered man and made it as a way for his son to know him. It has been on several times and will be released on DVD in February or March. If you don't have the same feelings as his parents after watching it, there is something wrong with you. You will want the officials involved locked up for life gross incompetence.
  24. It's the Mob.
  25. Troopergate- it was shown she did nothing wrong.
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