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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Look up Barbie doll history. The Barbie doll was invented by Ruth Handler, a founder of Mattel. Mattel made picture frames until 1959 when she invented a doll named after her daughter. She sold her interests in 1974. The guy you mentioned may have been an exec, but he wasn't the creator.
  2. It's getting rediculous. With the plates, coins,, HBO being free Tuesday night, etc. this is turning into a cult. Never saw that for other inaugurations. At the very least, it is like the adoration that dictators get when they start out.
  3. Where is crayonz railing against the Canadian geese?
  4. Now that everyone is off the plane, someone on another site said if it would have been years ago when the Hudson was a lot more polluted, the plane could have made a wheels down landing and taxied to a dock.
  5. Was an Airbus 320. Was taking off from La Guardia to Charlotte. Reported to have hit birds on takeoff.Still floating 50 minutes after crash. The ferries responded within 2-3 minutes. Reports now say maybe everyone got off.
  6. Shatner will be around for years. He sure doesn't look 78.
  7. Hope he was crapping on it. Did he have that "shoot me now, please!" look like most pets that have been dressed up have?
  8. Just heard that Ricardo Monteban (sp?) passed away today at 88.
  9. Buy a Mac. My old one was five years old and freezing up. I lugged it to the nearest Apple store (2 miles) and they ran diagnostic programs on it for free. Looked like the motherboard was going. Bought a Mini and have had it for 4 years with no problems. You can run the Mac OS and Windows on a Mac.
  10. Are they going to sell grape KoolAid®? How many fights will break out at the theaters? (ala Buffalo on Christmas)
  11. What do they have with going to other religions services? I have been to weddings at other churches (I'm Catholic) and a Jewish funeral. I would have gone to a Korean wedding, but it happened when my grandfather died. The Catholic funeral doesn't have to be a downer. My uncle died around Christmas 2007 at 84. He was estranged from his two sons for almost their whole lives. My mom was about the only one who visited him in the nursing home for several years before he died. He died in the VA Hospital. He didn't have much money so my mother and an aunt (6 of 9 sibs left) arranged the cheapest funeral they could. He was laid out at the funeral home for an hour and a priest came and did the funeral mass there. About 25 people (all relatives showed up as did his son who lives in Buffalo. The priest is the pastor of Queen of Martyrs in Cheektowaga and is the chaplain at St. Joe's Hospital. There wasn't much nice to say about my uncle, but before the regular mass started, the priest told a few jokes, which lightened the mood. At the cemetery, my cousin's husband, who is a minister, said a some nice words. Afterward, my mother had about 10 relatives over and my cousin's husband got us roaring about his stories of being an altar boy and the times he went to a strip joint when he was young.
  12. Oakland and SF- both play in stadiums made for baseball, Suck. Candlestick has very narrow hallways.
  13. Sadly, they announced this coming season is the last.
  14. It was the no punt game, but I don't remember who did it.
  15. My hobby (geocaching) can involve vigorous hiking if you want to do it. One guy was in his mid 50s and regularly did hikes up 2000 foot hills and also did hiking trips into the Sierras. He was very fit. The Saturday morning after labor Day, he died at home from a massive heart attack. Didn't even make it to the hospital, just keeled over.
  16. No. He said he as a gifted student he was put in that school to motivate the other kids to do better. He did not go to a gifted school like City Honors.
  17. He sounds like a typical democrat.
  18. The Clintons better think quick!
  19. Where? Stop turning me on!!!
  20. As normal, the fact that he is a dem is in the fifth paragraph. If he was a republican it would have been the first word or in the first sentence.
  21. Look in the mirror Debbie.
  22. This is eugenics. Everybody carries cancer genes, We all have the BRAC-1 gene. It is when it is mutated that it MAY cause cancer. This could also happen during the person's lifetime. What is next? Screening for Aryian features?
  23. A Moose once bit my sister.
  24. Until UB is in it, who cares? What else is on tonight?
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