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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. No I was anticipating you libs claiming I heard it on Limbaugh.
  2. Fine for me. I'm not a wine snob. To me there are 4 types: red white with a cork with a screw top!
  3. Heard today on the radio that Roberts went to the White House again to administer the oath in case Obama's flub made it iffy he was really the President today. This is an AP report, not a commentator's statement.
  4. Even the cheap wine here in NorCal wins awards. A chain of supermarkets sells "Two Buck Chuck" - has the name Charles Shaw. In a statewide blind taste test one of the whites won first place!
  5. Why did we fight Germany then? Japan attacked us, Germany didn't.
  6. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
  7. Youngster, The dirtbag got away with murder. It may seem like ancient history to you, but it's not. She ran out of air in a car that was submerged in shallow water (the rear end was sticking out of the water). Teddy the dirtbag got out and walked home (past the volunteer fire station that had a direct phone line to the police outside the station). He then didn't tell anyone ( except maybe his lawyer) until the next morning. This happened at the same time Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon. Hell is too good for him.
  8. Can't you see what a bunch of immature people are in the dem party?
  9. Again we see the dims acting classy. Rohm Emmanuel giving the five finger salute to someone and the shouts of Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodby to Bush on the podium with the Messiah. Can't you tards put it away for at least one day.
  10. The second Teddy kicks the bucket, Mary Jo will be waiting there to kick his but into hell. Byrd got his hell started early (today).
  11. I knew it! He's really Superman!!!
  12. Read that Byrd was wheeled out in his wheelchair too. Had problems eating. Probably finally realized that a black man is President. Two good reasons for an age limit on Congress.
  14. I'm working from home and am watching Animal Planet today.
  15. Should have been on the teleprompter.
  16. People still want this although almost all advances have been with ADULT stem cells and not embryonic stem cells. If you want embryonic stem cells, get them from cord blood.
  17. Meanwhile, we have had over a week of 70+ temps in NorCal and have one of the driest Januarys on record. If it doesn't rain the rest of the month, it will be the driest. They are expecting some rain Wed and Thurs. The hills are usually very green now. They are green, but a dull green. I expect a lot of grass fires next summer.
  18. Boggles the mind to realize just how fast we are really moving.
  19. Michael Winslow (the sound effects guy from the Police Academy movies) was in one of the Cheech and Chong movies as a guy in the nuthouse who thought he was Hendrix. In the movie he sang " Puple Haze all in my brain What's this Negro doing on the stage? Acting funny, but I dont know why Excuse me while I eat this fly."
  20. At least 7 days in a row of 70+ temps.
  21. Sadly, he died from cancer.
  22. I have a memory for useless facts and remembered seeing on TV that a woman invented it. I just googled it.
  23. Been in the low 70s all week here. Several records broken.
  24. Just down the road from you and up the road from me!
  25. Did that crap come out before the guy was even inaugurated?
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