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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. It's entended too push through every dem pork project they can think of- 4 BILLION for ACORN???? I guess engaging in voter fraud is stimulating the economy.
  2. Affirmative action is going against what MLK said.
  3. If you actually read the KGB files, McCarthy was right. People confuse him with the house (HUAC) that blacklisted writers.
  4. Before I moved here (the SF Bay Area) I went to a conference in SF. We went to Chinatown with a person from China. We asked him what the handwritten signs in the windows of the restaurants were. He said they were specials only for those that could read Chinese. He said to let him order and we got much better food than we would have. Bad side- I got the runs that night.
  5. Karl Rove took the weather machine with him when he left!
  6. Why shouldn't America go re-elect President Clinton in Ninety-Six? = He has a prime or cunning tendency to wildly solicit Internet sex. William Jefferson Clinton = Jail Mrs Clinton: Felon wife Ex-USA President William Clinton= Low cad: "I must explain intern lies George Bush = He bugs Gore
  7. Penn might be a good actor, but he's an asshat. He was also stupid enough to marry Madonna.
  8. I liked the ends of Cheers and Everybody Loves Raymond. Life just goes on and we stop looking in on it.
  9. Spoken like a true government employee. Stick to playing with boats.
  10. \ Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids In fact it's cold as hell
  11. Yes, it was a great ending.
  12. It's the Washington (state) Method -keep recounting and finding "new" ballots until the dem wins. Got the current gov of Washington into office. Who cares if there are more votes than registered voters.
  13. Ed O'neill (Al) said he heard about the cancellation on the radio. He said they had a great ending set up.
  14. Hopefully he got to stare at Melissa Joan Hart's tatas.
  15. Yes, and did the voice of the cat on Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
  16. I don't blame the guy. I knew someone that owned a house on Goodyear. The tenants broke every single window over the space of six months, broke the bathroom sink off the wall twice and the toilet three times (not the mechanism, but the porcelain). They just gave up. Even an animal doesn't sh-- where he eats.
  17. What I wanted to call them probably would have gotten be banned for a while.
  18. The Messiah found time to attend balls with pinheads like Kid Rock, Faith Hill, etc, but he skipped a much more important ball. President Eisenhower started the Medal of Honor Ball in 1953. All Congressional Medal of Honor (the nation's highest award) winners are invited to it. EVERY President has attended it since (14 inaugurations), until this year. This year 48 Medal Winners attended. Guess who didn't?
  19. He should dress like that when he takes his daughters out trick and treating this year.
  20. Not this crap again :lol: They are NOT POWs and therefore ARE NOT UNDER THE GENEVA CONVENTION.
  21. Get it right- Randy Rhodes kicks ass Randi Rhodes get her ass kicked by the sidewalk
  22. Proof that the American public was just as stupid then as they are now. What Obama wants to do now will have the same effect.
  23. You guys happy now? The highs here will be in the 50s and we have rain and fog for the next week. Actually that is normal for this time of year
  24. Sentor Diane Feinstein , who's office was between the Mayor's and Milk's said the the movie ws a bunch of crap. She said the movie makes it look like Dan White shot them because he hated gays. In actuality, White and Milk were friends and ate lunch together almost every day. White had lost his Board of Supervisor's job and wanted his old position in the Fire Department back. He found out hat milk and Moscone were blocked. That's when he killed both. Feinstein was the first to find Milk and the mayor. She said that she saw Ryan passing her office door in betwen the killings. Another ho hum year of what the hell was that movie, Last time I went to the movies was to see Charlie Wilson's War in 2007.
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