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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Call 'em as I see 'em.
  2. Sounds just like democrats.
  3. It was too late when Mugabe started seizing white farmers' land and giving it to people who had no idea on how to grow anything. Zimbaabwe used to export food. Now there is widespread starvation and recently a Cholera epidemic.
  4. On Tru TV they have had one where three guys were being brought into the jail and did the same thing.
  5. Can't get over your BDS? Get some help, please.
  6. Miller is educated, witty and entertaining. Maher is an asshat both in public and private life.
  7. Obama had a majority of the vote. 1984 Reagan 525 electroal votes and Mondale 13 Reagan won by almost 17 million votes Reagan received 58.8% of the vote and Mondale 40.6 That is a mandate.
  8. BDS extends to all members of the family even if they are out of office.
  9. Arabs got warring tribes in Kenya to sell their conquered enemies to them.
  10. If they do the laproscope,you'll probably only have a few small scars. My mother (80 at the time) had her appendix out and she cant even see the two small incisions they made. The main one is through your bellybutton.
  11. It was probably Sheas that the balcony rocked. I saw the last concert there (Cheap Trick I think) and the balcony was really vibrating.
  12. We had an intern one summer and we took her to a Chinese restaurant on her last day. We had just sat down and she ran to the bathroom- gall bladder. She had it out the next day. When she started working with us after the fall semester, she had lost about 30 pounds. She said it part of it was the lower fat diet she said she had to eat. She's has kept the weight off and is now a doctor. Wikipedia says that bile (which is stored in the gall bladder) emulsifies fats and neutralizes stomach acids in food in the duodenum (the tube between the stomach and intestine). It says that bile is continuously released into the duodenum instead of being stored in the gall bladder (its made in the liver) for release during a high fat meal. A high fat meal gets to the intestine and the un-emulsified fat content causes bloating and diarrhea because water is released into the intestines and the bacteria produce gas after digesting the fat that wasn't absorbed. Some patients get diarrhea for a few weeks. To reduce the bloating and diarrhea a lower fat diet is suggested.
  13. I saw a few episodes. Very edgy but good. The synopsis is that he is a chemist dying from lung cancer and to get money for his family after he dies, he becomes a meth cook. The role was so different from Malcom's Dad and he was good in it. He deserved the Emmy he won.
  14. Hammered a Lot lives adjoining or across the street from the Ralph.
  15. Like I said before, the entire state of California is basically in a risk pool for quake insurance. You can't get it from any carrier. If you ask, they refer you to a New Hampshire mailing address.
  16. Move someplace with no hurricanes. All quake insurance here in CA is in a risk pool. For the apartmentent I'm in the deductible is 2.5K which is good for sh--.
  17. All these are ripoff sites, including Nike for shoes that cost $1-2 to make.
  18. And illegal aliens. The white male has been almost completely forced out of construction jobs. This is a replay of the 30s. The WPA didn't shorten the Depression and this won't shorten this recession . Do you expect a white collar worker to suddenly know how to build a bridge?
  19. And it is such a small part of the budget. Cut the social stuff.
  20. The dems have PMS- Palin Mania Syndrome.
  21. Funny thing is I accidentally typed "your" at first, but caught myself immediately.
  22. I wasn't in any extra curricular activities and SAT prep courses. That's to make up for stupid kids who don't apply themselves to studies.
  23. You're a Nazi!
  24. pictures??? Most eastern European women I've seen on the internet are smokin'. ex: Mila Kunis
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