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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Hey Rip Van Winkle, a lot are done through the bellybutton. Hernias, appendectomies, gall bladder removals. My father had his appendix out in 1963. He showed us his large healing incision at the time. My mother had her appendix out in 2007 (at the age of 80). She said they went through her bellybutton. She said she can't even see the two small incisions for the camera and light .
  2. It's the taxes in NH that makes it Three Buck Chuck there. It's still $2 here in CA
  3. Two Buck Chuck at Trader Joe's.
  4. The pilot's from the town 10 miles north of me , Danville, CA. Two weeks ago about 4,000 people showed up to honor him.
  5. Your brother will be fine with only one. I had one of mine taken out when I was four from congenital reasons (back in 1961). No problems, I just couldn't play tackle football, hockey, or dive from a high board (sports the doc said could allow me to get hit in the back and possibly damage the remaining kidney).
  6. JC II No, not Jesus Christ. Jimmy Carter II. For those too young to remember, look up "carter malaise speech".
  7. I shouldn't, but I have to laugh at all the contortions the dems here are going through to excuse the incompetence of the first few weeks of the Obama administration. At this rate he will out-Carter Carter.
  8. ZZ TOP!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Barack Obama hates white people.
  10. I caught that when they were telling him to not do it again and was wondering WTF that was about.
  11. The old Steve Martin bit abiut how to rob a bank: 1. Rob a bank 2. When the police catch you, say "I forgot robbing a bank was against the law."
  12. Never found any, but did find rolling papers in one. Threw them out because kids find them too (and I haven't partaked in > 20 years). Also, no candles, food or scented stuff. If I find that, I take it out. Animals can smell the least amount of food or soap, or candles. A skunk or raccoon (or bears in your area) can wreck a plastic container. You can look at anyones finds on the web site by searching for their screen name (mine is the same as here). If you have any questions about the hobby, PM me.
  13. Even the old guys can do it. I'm >50. There are several retired people I know that geocache. I met a woman geocacher one time that was 80!
  14. People hide things in containers, from eraser sized containers to ammo cans or pickle buckets in size. They have a logbook in them and some times trinkets (usually for the kids). People hide it (never buried), and post a webpage about it. You download the coords to GPS, and the description to a PDA, and search for it. When you find it, you sign the log, put it back where it was hidden, and also log it on the hobby's web site. People have t-shirts that say " I use billions of dollars of technology to find Tupperware in the woods". It gets you out all over the place. Over five years ago I wanted to get some exercise, but thought walking or biking up the same trail was bring. I saw an article on it, tried it and was hooked. It's better than being a couch potato all weekend. There are hundreds of thousands all over the world. Some soldiers even geocache on the military bases in Iraq. There are likely several less than a mile from you, unless you live way in the sticks ( Alaska has about 1000 total). A couple met at a picnic for the hobby in my area and their daughter (now three) has about 1600 finds (when she is with mommy or daddy, they write a cute log for her). Families and all ages of people can do it. I have gotten to see just about all the parks in my area, and many beautiful views. I have to travel for work, so I download several where I am going to be and if I have time, I look for a few after I am done for the day. In 5.5 years, I have found about 4000 caches.
  15. I passed one about 11:30 AM and the line stretched about 30 people outside the door. I think a lot of the lawsuits were probably BS. I worked at one Denny's in the late 70s-early 80s. The suit about the bus full of gospel singers being turned away because they were black was bogus. A lot of the stores have only a cook and a waitress on overnight during the week (not even a busboy or a manager). The bus full of people pulled up and wanted to get waited on. The waitress told them they would have to wait a long time for everyone to get fed because of low staffing, but there was one a few miles away that could accommodate them and serve them faster. That Wicki article also mentioned about violence, that is the customers, not the store (as with the Asian guys in Syracuse). We had a drunk pull a knife on a Saturday night. Another time, a guy was found dead in the field across the street with his car left in the Denny's lot- he was mob related. Looks like they grabbed him after he went around back to his car. Lots of all night restaurants have a plainclothes off duty cop sit all night at the counter near the register as a security guard. Once we had a dine and dash about 4 AM. One of the waitresses was in after partying. Some guys dashed and she started chasing them, but just as she was going to tackle the last guy, his friends pulled up and he jumped in the car. Another time, these dumb Canadian kids were drinking in their car in front of the windows. They were still there when the manager came in at 6 AM. He called the cops, but realized that since the store was on the town line he called the wrong town. The cops told him what to do. They sat at the light on the top of the hill (in the next town, within sight of the restaurant). The manager went out and told them to get out and get on the Thruway and go home. The Canadians only knew the one way home which was past the cops. We were roaring with laughter as he turned on his lights when the kids were sitting at the traffic light.
  16. With the handhelds, for geocaching, it seems people prefer Garmins over Magellans.
  17. Except blame Bush
  18. AC/DC could play Thunder, For Those About to Rock, and Shook Me All Night Long, all of which are played at a lot of games.
  19. The handhelds have more things they can do than the car units like navigation, hiking, geocaching, have topo and street maps loaded on them. But the car ones (Nuvi and Tom Tom, etc) are bad for hiking and geocaching. I have a five and a half year old GPS for geocaching, so I am not up on the newest ones. Friends of mine, who are the #4 geocachers in the world use their handheld to street navigate to geocaches although they have a GPS built into the dash of their Accura. They use the factory installed one to find restaurants and gas stations.
  20. Next year-AC/DC!!!!
  21. Everybody Let's Limbo!!!!!!
  22. Our dog in the 80s was about 10 years old. He started getting thinner in the front and fatter in the rear, ate less and had trouble going down the three stairs to the outside. We took him in for an x-ray. He had fluid below the diaphragm -the x-ray was solid white. We took him home for a few days and said our goodbyes. My father, who always acted as if he couldn't care less for the dog was crying when he said goodbye. The dog would get all agitated when going to the car, because he knew it was a trip to the vet, but on the last trip, he was very calm and peaceful. He knew what it was for.
  23. The bar is getting lowered so much, the next nominee has to be an expert limbo dancer.
  24. I haven't given a penny to a political party. I did protest William Ayer's speech at St. Mary's College in Moraga, CA last Wednesday along with several hundred others.
  25. A bone to the ambulance chasing trial lawyers, pure and simple.
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