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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Franks and Chris Dodd were the biggest receivers of campaign $ from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whom they were overseeing.
  2. Naw, just is loony. Jumping on Oprah's couch and yelling at Book Shields for taking drugs to stop her severe post-partum depression.
  3. Solution: Electrify the fence and leave the zapped bodies there. In other areas, a moat next to the fence filled with alligators.
  4. How in the hell can a bunch of ILLEGAL ALIENS sue? As soon as they tried to file, send their asses back. How is saying what they are (illegal aliens) racist??
  5. Take a vacation. Three weeks in and he's already going to Camp David.
  6. New Radicals had Danielle Brisbois. When she was a kid , she played Archie Bunker's niece, who moved in with them. She grew up tp be hot looking! In the video, she's the redhead.
  7. Dems comming up with convoluted reasoning to say this is OK now in 3...2...1...
  8. Mountain View, CA has citywide Wi-Fi.
  9. I looked on Wicki and this is the definition for VH1's list: In 2002, the American cable network VH1 aired a countdown of the VH1's 100 Greatest One-hit Wonders. It listed musicians with only one American hit, regardless of international success. Aha (Take On Me) and others have had many European hits.
  10. I can't find it on the VH1 site, but it was something like they released more than one song and it made it on the top 40. Catch the next replay of the show with William Shatner as the host on VH1. They replay it every couple months or so. Ones like Mickey, the Macarena, 867-5309 and I Touch Myself (which was filmed in a convent!).
  11. Just catch the South Park episode?
  12. In the early 70's, that was an pro athlete hangout. Danny Gare, Randy Smith and Tony Greene lived in the Williamstowne Apartments (now senior apartments) next door. I lived about a half mile away, but I was too young to see them there. My sister's friend's sister said that the women were drooling over them there.
  13. Most of these aren't one hit wonders because their one song wasn't a hit. I go by the VH1 criteria.
  14. Want a good laugh, listen to Obama reading his book.
  15. She'll be sure to stop in Indonesia to visit her old friend Riaddy.
  16. Three Stooges, Bugs Bunny, Looney Toons, Bullwinkle and Rocky, Beanie and Cecil, Quickdraw McGraw, Huckleberry Hound, Yogi Bear and many more I have forgotten. Those are cartoons, not the PCish crap from the 80s.
  17. I heard that the fire was racing faster than one can drive. Probably making the situation worse are eucalyptus trees (if they grow in that area) as they are full of resin. Here in the SF bay area, they are cutting down as many as they can, since they are a non-native species and will go up in a second.
  18. My favorite : Tommy Tutone, 867-5309.
  19. Gare scored 50 in 79 games in 75-76.
  20. That was a National Lampoon radio skit from the early 70s (pre SNL). The "Eggamuffin" guy is Bill Murray.
  21. He also helped keep the Raiders and the Patriots afloat in the early 1960s.
  22. An example of the above is at the Kennedy Space Center. They privatized a lot of jobs in the mid 90s, but it's still government money paying them.
  23. had a friend that was a Controller for a well drilling company. He had to down to WV to give guys on the rigs their checks if something got messed up (this was before direct deposit was popular or mandatory). He said that the #1 aim of women in WV was to get the hell out of WV! When he would go to a bar there, as soon as they found out he was from out of state, they glommed onto him.
  24. The mortgage crisis was BECAUSE of regulations . Dodd and Frank pushed through legislation that required banks to make iffy loans so that "the poor could afford to buy a house too". Those two should be in Leavenworth(Of course Barney Frank would like it).
  25. Hey Rip Van Winkle, a lot are done through the bellybutton. Hernias, appendectomies, gall bladder removals. My father had his appendix out in 1963. He showed us his large healing incision at the time. My mother had her appendix out in 2007 (at the age of 80). She said they went through her bellybutton. She said she can't even see the two small incisions for the camera and light .
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