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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. As I said on the Harbor Club 300 board, it was called off because he used his nipple to redirect it in.
  2. Shouldn't have gotten a penny and made them pay his legal expenses.
  3. I posted on the main board also. My brother works for the EC Highway Dept. He is out on medical leave this week, but said his boss got called in to move debris with a CAT. There are still various body parts all over the place. I won't describe what he told me, but it was gruesome.
  4. My brother works for the Erie County Highway Department. He's out on medical leave right now, but his boss was called in to do some work in Clarence Center at the crash site (moving debris with a CAT). The boss told him that there were still body parts everyplace. All this talk about rebuilding the house, etc, should wait a while. There is still a lot of work to do at the site.
  5. I have read that the crew should disengage the autopilot every 5-10 minutes or so in conditions where icing may occur. Being on autopilot, the crew can't feel changes in handling that occur with the slow buildup of ice,. The autopilot disengaged and it was too late to recover.
  6. Now Skeletor (Pelosi) has to jet away on a junket to Rome. If she wants to save $, STAY IN DC!!!!!
  7. What a "Religion of Peace".
  8. They said the house would have had to read 2.5 pages per minute all night to have read it before the vote. This Porkulus bill is the biggest abortion to come out of DC ever.
  9. The press does not do any research, just repeat what they have been told. Collins stated last night that the crash wsa about 10 miles from the airport. It is more like 5, now all the press is saying 10 miles. All they had to do was use Google earth and measure it. They are using google earth for the "pretty "graphic they use to show the route from Newark to the crash site. Also, I heard that it wa a one story house that got hit. If you look at Google street view, there is only one house that is one story on that street. The one they showed from street view is the one next door, which comes up when you type in the address.
  10. No survivors. The site of the crash is less than a minute before you land when coming from the east.
  11. This I believe is the first commercial plane crash at Buffalo. I'm watching it on MSNBC.
  12. See you in a month, if ever again, Bucky.
  13. Why don't you PM Conner, It seems that you have something in common.
  14. Isn't coli the one that kept telling us we had no illegal problem in California, even though he has never been here? Or is that another bleeding heart?
  15. He probably called the authorities numerous times and they did sh--. Finally he had enough and held them until the authorities did arrive.
  16. Start sending them back by the busload.
  17. How does he know they aren't packing guns when he approaches them? Are they naked?
  18. Thats why every single fast food place in California is filled with people speaking with Irish accents.
  19. Okay, but he's still a Friggin' idiot.
  20. And Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously, so she will never get one. Friggin' idiot Gore.
  21. Glad you're better. Both my parents had TIAs. Luckily no after effects from them. Now the important stuff : Pictures?
  22. The upturn of temps in the 90s is iffy also, if they are relying on readings from official weathers stations. Someone Investigated where these weather stations are and like 1/3 of them were in parking lots, on roofs, next to AC units, etc, where it is hotter than the surroundings.
  23. How much pollution will occur when the owners have to shell out thousands of $ to replace the batteries soon?
  24. OT:The daughter in the clip is Eames (the blond cop) in Law and Order :CI. He won't quit until he has a break like Theisman or is drooling from a ton of concussions.
  25. I heard Schuner describe the patriots who are opposing this Socialist porkulus bill as the "Chattering class" and that they don't care about the "little porky amendments". Video Impeach him!!!!!
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