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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../a143533S28.DTL Also, look at the arresting cop's name!
  2. I predict that Hillary will give the Chia Pet a basketball signed by Kobe. Just like what Bubba did.
  3. Now the guy they want under him has defended kiddie pornographers, saying that kiddie porn is protected speech. Just when you thought this admin couldn't get any worse...
  4. Watching wild animals rip each other apart was a lot more entertaining than seeing those Hollywood phonies.
  5. During the Oscars, I was watching Animal Planet. It was about a pack of wolves in Yellowstone. They were displaced by a younger pack after their alpha male died. A coyote in the area was allowed by the previous pack to eat after the wolf pack was done. He assumed he could do the same with the new pack. They jumped him and killed him in about 10 seconds after he started nibbling at a carcass.
  6. Dog River? You could do it in front of Corner Gas and The Ruby.
  7. Shoot 'em. Once they realize they can lunch on the chihuahua, they will be back for more. I live across the street from a 100 foot hill that is a "undeveloped park" (fields). Coyotes are known to be there and I don't feel sorry when people put up their lost kitty signs. The landlord repeats in the monthly newsletter that cats should be house cats and not let run wild. The same with mountain lions here. If they are seen in town, they shoot them. If they are up in the parks, leave them be. They have been sen within 2 miles of my place.
  8. We had a toxicologist in our company that was overheard calling us molecular biologists "gene jockeys". Others (not me) made her life a living hell until she went elsewhere. When I was at a startup, they had everybody look through resumes (for even people who would be our boss). One of them that came through was a prof where I had gone to grad school (didn't have him for any classes though). The guy was a first class a-hole (had a picture of himself lifting weights framed behind his desk). I let everybody know (not in writing though) that he was an a-hole.
  9. I'm going by what she said. She was there when it happened. I haven't been to a movie in about a year ($ reasons)
  10. In my opinion, his best role was Jeff Spicoli. The movie was a bunch of crap according to Diane Feinstein (who became mayor after the shooting and is now a Senator). She said that it made it look like Dan White killed Milk because he hated gays. In fact, he and Milk were friends that had lunch together often. He killed Milk and the Mayor because they wouldn't give him his Fire Department job back after he lost his Board of Supervisors seat. I heard Feinstein say this herself on the radio. Her office was betwen Milk's and the Mayor's and she was the first one to Milk after the shooting.
  11. Once again South Park being right on target.
  12. Internet Exploder is a total Microsoft POC. The only time I use it is when some web sites I go to for work require it. Those sites are generally clunky and don't work very smooth.
  13. Dykes on Bikes also has their name trademarked. Some stupid liberal tried too get the trademark taken away because of the word "Dykes". They went to court and fought to keep the trademark.
  14. Japan was teaching their citizens how to fight in hand to hand combat. They would have fought to the last man. We had already lost a half million soldiers and they estimated that we could lose the same amount in an invasion. The military was getting ready to build massive hospitals on the islands we captured for the invasion of Japan. On Iwo Jima, there were more than 22,000 Japanese troops. Only 263 were captured. They would have been even more fervent in their defense of the homeland.
  15. There aren't many remote locations in Japan, The idea of War is to kill people and break things till the enemy gives up. It took TWO a- bombs to convince them to stop. Blowing one up over water would not do anything.
  16. Sage and his great intellect again show us the error of our thinking. Millions of people alive today would not have be alive if we had to invade Japan. Dad or grandad wouldn't have been able to come home to mom or grandma in 1945 and give her the high hard one. I watched that Iwo Jima show also. Amazing at the valor and bravery of our solidiers.
  17. This and reusing the September data as October data, makes you think how many other errors are accepted as fact in Manbearpig's religion. I have been jousting with creationists on a political board and the global warmers sound a lot like like the creationists.
  18. Every time someone goes up to Taho from the SF Bay area, they get reminded about that. Donner Pass and Donner Lake are on I-80. Children of a few survivors are buried in my town's cemetery.
  19. What else what would you call that bill?. It sure isn't a stimulus bill and is full of pork. I thought that was a perfect title for it.
  20. I think Biden is actually Walter, Jeff Dunham's grumpy old man dummy. I saw a picture of him at the Obama Porkulus bill signing and they sure looked the same.
  21. Dennis Miller is talking to a caller that said he visited a cemetery in LA that is full of famous people. I forgot the name but Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon are buried about 20 yards apart. Two funny headstones he mentioned are Jack Lemmon's: In Rodney Dangerfield: There goes the neighborhood!
  22. Why do all you losers spend time watching this crap? The only one I ever saw was where William Haung sang "She Bangs", because I heard how bad it was.
  23. Looks like a future tweeker.
  24. I had a leisure suit and a perm!
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