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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. It's fun watching these libs trying to rationalize Obama's abandoning of what he said before the election. Nozzlenut is like a woman that is just realizing her husband is cheating on her, while Kelly is one that has no clue.
  2. He means on his last day, dummy.
  3. What I mean is that the # killed in combat was less that the # that normally die during peacetime.
  4. Had two blueberry (the best kind) Pop Tarts for breakfast. Buy them at Big Lots!. $1.20 for an 8 pack, $2.00 for the larger size package.
  5. Pasta Joe and others here remind me of the Creationists I argue with on another board.
  6. That guy who didn't tip could have been a Canadian.
  7. Driving even more people with families out of cities like San Francisco. You can get a "prescription" for "medical" marijuana for any made up reason in places like SF. The places attract scum and crime. Many young families cannot stand to live in places like SF because the of the pot "clinics". There was one in an industrial park in my town. The DEA investigated and found they were growing about 10 X the pot needed for their list of "clients". If pot actually works for chemo,(very doubtful) give people THC pills or brownies with the pot in them under a doc's supervision, not let them smoke it.
  8. Because he isn't far enough to the left. I passed Democracy now while channel surfing once. It had someone droning on about some leftist crap. By droning, I mean the woman looked tired and spoke in a monotone with no inflection.
  9. We had less soldiers killed per year than died from accidents, illness, suicide, etc. during Clinton's term.
  10. Or go to any doorway on Market.
  11. Because what you DON"T do is raise taxes during a recession.
  12. Frank Constanza: "Doc, It was a million-to-one shot!"
  13. Years ago there used to be a site called Cruel Site of the Day, which had a new weird web site every day. That was one of them. Also came across "Weird Foreign objects in Dog Feces" site that had storied abou dogs eating Barbie Dolls, cement, etc. The guy now has a lefist web site at the Cruel Site location.
  14. Rectal Foreign Bodies webpage
  15. Mountain lions have ben spotted withing two miles of where I live. To both the east and the west and I don't live in the hills, but right in town. I don't go walking down the paved hiking trail 200 ft from my door at night because there is a chance that the mountain lion could be on it. They have to come through this are to get to the other areas. I have also seen coyotes in broad daylight sitting on what used to be the old railbed next to the trail, watching the people walk down the trail and just hoping someone lets their little dog run unleashed. I wouldn't be surprised that they come right through the complex at night looking for the 30-40 turkeys we have around here.
  16. They'll be there saying "Look at the cute moose" while getting trampled to death.
  17. Go out there and pose with the bears. Please. What part of HE HAS BEARS IN HIS YARD don't you understand college boy?? Now go to bed, you're up past your bedtime.
  18. Hang in there Dante. Got to stop by this season where you watch the games. Not everyone gets real sick from chemo. My father got sick the first time, but not after. His hair did fall out. He was a lot sicker from his radiation treatment he had beforehand. He had lung cancer, so, in the end, none of it worked.
  19. By the venom they get, the DNC nightmare opponents will be Palin/Jindal in 2012.
  20. NCIS was worth it. An episode I hadn't seen before.
  21. She cannot stop smiling. It's frozen that way after all the face lifts. She's the the Joker (Jack Nicholson's version).
  22. He's still talking??? I watched the Sabres, then COPS at Mardi Gras. I channel surf and I still see him yammering. Well, on to NCIS reruns on USA.
  23. Obingo is the head of the Kenyan Soccer Federation and want's his cut!
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