I agree with you on LBJ's micromanagement of the war, but what is this BS about the JFK assassination?
Get hold of the the history channel show that was on in November and repeated a week or so ago. A guy built a model of Dealy Plaza on a computer and then took the Zapruder film and digitized Kennedy, Connely and the car. With that he could "see" the assassination from anyviews. This showed that Oswald was the only gunman and that the "magic bullet" did go through Kennedy and Connely. This show also talked to Oswald's brother and a woman that was a good friend of Oswald's wife back then. They both said that it was him alone.
Another show I saw showed that if there was a shot from the grassy knoll, it would have hit & probably killed Jackie too.
What is so hard for the conspiracy theorists believing that one crazy guy did it?