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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. He's already got that Mussolini look down pat.
  2. 800 /1000 on this and the Hot or Heavy quiz
  3. Can't blame me for back then, I voted for Ford.
  4. Retreats even work on a small level. When I was working at Stanford, our department went on one to in Monterey, CA. We heard what all the other labs were doing and it produced some productive collaborations.
  5. What are you on?
  6. Breaking Bad starts again next Sunday, I think.
  7. He also told people to "Obama Proof" their investments.
  8. Israel went in there to knock out the sites that have been lobbing missles at them DAILY. Every day this administration tops itself in idiocy.
  9. That is until the people getting their taxes raised don't have the money to invest in the company you work for and you get laid off.
  10. It's an Oliver Stone movie. None of it is accurate.
  11. Nothing is moving on the east coast, that's probably the reason.
  12. On the radio, they said that the boat was anchored and the guy that was rescued last saw the others at about 2 AM this morning.
  13. My friend had a 20 footer. We put in the water at the Small Boat harbor. We got to the breakwater entrance and saw 4 foot waves on Lake Erie. We went and anchored in a sheltered area inside the breakwater for a few hours and ate lunch. There was no way we were going out in those waves.
  14. Imagine being up there wasted during a concert.
  15. I agree with you on LBJ's micromanagement of the war, but what is this BS about the JFK assassination? Get hold of the the history channel show that was on in November and repeated a week or so ago. A guy built a model of Dealy Plaza on a computer and then took the Zapruder film and digitized Kennedy, Connely and the car. With that he could "see" the assassination from anyviews. This showed that Oswald was the only gunman and that the "magic bullet" did go through Kennedy and Connely. This show also talked to Oswald's brother and a woman that was a good friend of Oswald's wife back then. They both said that it was him alone. Another show I saw showed that if there was a shot from the grassy knoll, it would have hit & probably killed Jackie too. What is so hard for the conspiracy theorists believing that one crazy guy did it?
  16. Give a time limit on appeals. The bleeding hearts can spend their own money trying to find miniscule technicalities trying to get these obviously guilty scum off. The majority of the money is spent because we house these animals for 20 + years. As comedian Ron White said "My state has an express lane" (he's from Texas).
  17. He didn't need to, as the MSM took them out of context as they almost always do.
  18. ????? :blink:
  19. Remember who supported slavery and then Jim Crow laws? It was the DEMOCRATS.
  20. Nozzlenut, I looked it up . The vote was 95 to ZERO. How could that be the fault of "the repblican congress" when EVERYONE PRESENT voted against it?
  21. 1.) Get a big rock 2. ) Smash laptop with big rock.
  22. We never ratified the Kyoto Treaty. It was turned down 97- or 98-0 during CLINTON'S TERM. Why let facts stand in your way? It punishes clean countries while letting China and India pollute all they want.
  23. If he wanted to F something dead, why didn't he pick the Cincinnati Bengals?!
  24. RIP...good day !
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