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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. You forgot Leslie Neilsen, Lorne Greene, Michael J. Fox, almost everybody that was on SCTV, William Shatner (I remember him doing Loblaws commercials on Toronto TV after Star Trek: TOS).
  2. One Big Ass Mistake America
  3. Jimmy Carter used Jimmy when he got inaugurated, the Messiah used all three of his names when he got sainted. Same thing. I love how Mark Levin uses Milhouse when talking about the Messiah.
  4. Armstrong and Getty on 910. I heard that today too. They are also simulcast on a TV station out of Santa Rosa.
  5. You think Ithaca is a nice place.
  6. Blzrul is just emulationg one of her idols. This sound familair? Chuck.. .Stand up!
  7. Sorry. Evans died, but Novak isn't doing too well with his brain tumor.
  8. I KNOW that you're just an ASS.
  9. Iraq was doing their nuclear research in Libya. Kadaffi told us so when he came clean. Their biological stockpile is in Damascus Syria right now. The bugs could be put in the back of one ban. He and others did not out Valerie Plame. She did it herself. The late Robert Novak said he was the one that told a lot of people.
  10. No. What was he corrupt about? Clinton was corrupt. Read other stuff than the pablum the main stream medium puts out.
  11. You libs laugh at that like it was a joke. If he would have choked to death, Cheney would have been president, which I gather from your vitriol against him would have been your worst nightmare.
  12. I was in molecular biology, but now I do environmental due-diligence. Cloning a gene is actually inserting it in a circle of DNA (the circles are called plasmids), then getting it into a bacteria so the gene can be expressed, or get more copies (by growing the bacteria). Originally, you took cells, treated them with certain solutions and the plasmids, heat shocked them for a few minutes , let them grow for an hour and then plate them. With electroporation (started being done about 10 years ago or so if I remember right), you treat the cells with a solution, put them in a little disposable chamber with the DNA. Push a button (zap the cells), and plate the cells. There are controllers that can vary the length of charge, decay rate and other parameters. If there is too much salt in the solutions, it arcs and makes a little pop and doesn't work. Apoptosis is what gets rid of the webbing between your toes and fingers before you are born. When it doesn't work, you are born with webbed feet (supposedly Dan Akroyd was). Amplifying DNA (using PCR) is pretty easy too.
  13. Wishful thinking. The rats are already jumping ship.
  14. This is known as electroporation. I have used it with bacteria. Nice pop and flash if it arcs when you do it. Apoptosis is the process that an organism uses to get rid of damaged cells.
  15. The Messiah can't even put two sentences together without inserting an "uh". He had to use a teleprompter to introduce a high level nominee the other day. God, this guy can't say anything that wasn't written for him. Why do you think he turned down the town hall style of debates that McCain offered him.
  16. These idiots cant get out of their own way. Hillary meets with the Russian Foreign Minister today in Geneva. She gave him a "push button" (I guess like the button for office supplies). This was to symbolize the resetting of relations between the US and them. She said the button said reset in Russian. The Foreign Minister said "No. It actually says overpay." :lol: Couldn't they ask someone in the State Department that knows Russian, to get the correct word?
  17. Yes. I read he was diving in a swimming pool in college and hit the bottom. Became a parapelegic.
  18. Gupta withdraws from consideration Is his next choice Dr. Dean Edell? Dr. Phil? Dr. Laura?
  19. I've driven by there once. I've heard that if you eat at the restaurant there, it's some of the best beef in the state. probably because it's so fresh. It's almost as if you could say " I want a T-bone from THAT one.
  20. My grandfather wasn't an alcoholic, but almost every day, he'd walk around the corner in Kaisertown after lunch and dinner for a shot and a beer. It got him out of the house. He did it until a month or two before he died at the age of 94. If my mother went to visit and didn't get an answer at the door, she'd check one of the bars.
  21. Like the Nuge says: Kill it and Grill it!!!
  22. Why is it stupid when the President is snubbing one of our biggest friends?
  23. First, the Messiah returns a bust of one of the great statesmen of the 20th century, Winston Churchill to Great Britain, but then when given a pen set from the HMS Gannet and a first edition biography of Churchill, he gives PM Brown a DVD set, that's right, a DVD set of 25 great American movies. He also had the British press stand out in the cold for close to an hour and cancels a press conference with Brown. Way to treat on of our best friend in the world.
  24. Only took 1 post for someone to say "Sign him!"
  25. Coke can hurt you years later.
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