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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. She has no choice with Hillary as her mom and Webb Hubble as her dad,
  2. I loved this week's. Kenny getting blue balls all episode until the end. At least he got a BJ before he died.
  3. As AD said, Stewart is a liberal dem hack. He won't touch the Messiah, and there's plenty to ridicule already. I used to watch is sometimes with Craig Kilborn, but when he came on and went 100 % attacking the right, I stopped watching it. Kilborn made jokes about everybody and everything.
  4. My opinion: Cramer and Stewart are both asshats.
  5. Aw, are you all weepy because I don't you? Lighten up Francis.
  6. People that matter. And you're not one of them.
  7. You missed a bit of splooge on the corner of your mouth when you cleaned up.
  8. Leibowitz should be bitchslapped for trying to do comedy, because he hasn't been doing it for years.
  9. Are you going to believe Kelly or your lyin' ears. You can't hide your lyin' ears And your smile is a thin disguise I thought by now you'd realize There ain't no way to hide your lyin ears
  10. Cramer's ratings will shoot up. Rush got the preliminary ratings after they started attacking him and they're way up for him too.
  11. At this time tere shouldn't be ANY earmarks on ANY bills passed by Congress.
  12. I'm at GTR in the 80s. A faily flat chested dancer was up and was collecting dollar bills. I had it in my mouth and was aiming for the G-string when she grabbed my head and rammed it into her breast bone. I thought she broke my nose.
  13. They're really all just the little voices in her head.
  14. Roger Woodward
  15. Don't know what Hooterville is????? Youngsters, stop playing video games and watch some TV- TV Land- Green Acres. Lisa Douglas, Arnold the Pig, Mr. Haney, Does any of it ring a bell?
  16. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
  17. The guy couldn't "Smell what The Rock is Cooking" because all he could smell was the crap in his pants!
  18. I'm not going to hijack this thread but I have been trying to debate ID with creationists on a political site I'm on. They say evolution is junk, but have no proof for it except that nature is so complicated, god must have done it. Their stubborness reminds me of the Obamabots on the PPP.
  19. Isn't he around 35? To be good for that long, he isn't partying the night away (at least during the season). He'll be gone in the off season.
  20. He was himself. It was between TOS, and Star Trek I /TJ Hooker. Lean times for Denny Craine. That was when the syndication was starting to make TOS popular. Hard to believe he is like 77 or 78.
  21. Those that do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it. You do not tax and spend your way out of a recession.
  22. Catholic Charities moved out of SF because the City and County (one in the same) told them they must make available medical insurance to domestic partnersof employees.
  23. Obama- new ideas???? He as out New Dealed FDR already. He is doing what FDR did, which extended the Great Depression for the whole decade. Again, the only thing that got us out of it was WWII. My father told me about it. He was born in 1930 and they had to move 13 times (all in Buffalo). My grandfather kept getting laid off every 6 months or so.
  24. I know. I was too. I can't remember who, but I think it was James Woods, who said when asked his opinion on some political topic (this is paraphrased): "Why do you want my opinion, or any other actor's? We're only good at memorizing and repeating words that other people wrote. Most of us are dumb as a box of rocks."
  25. Wrong. If he is successful in implementing his policies, we will be be in a Depression. If he fails in implementing them, the economy will recover.
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