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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Watched the History Channel last night I see.
  2. Downstate has been sucking $ from upstate for decades. I knew someone interning in the State Legislature back in 1980 and he said then that upstate was self sufficient,and that downstate just sucks the rest of the state dry.
  3. Glen Beck is one of the few sane people on TV.
  4. Talley Brothers? Baldinger brothers?
  5. She's had more face lifts than Joan Rivers. She cant close her yes or not smile anymore .
  6. In CA, the exemption is only for a year. The day before election day, I had to go to downtown Oakland for the first time ever. We had to enter another way because of all the dregs of society that live in downtown Oakland were early voting for Obama. 2/3 of the people got called for two trials out of 200 people. The said that if you had a hardship, you had to come back after lunch and explain to the judge. About 17 people showed up. I am in due diligence now and get paid by the job. I explained that I had no calls for 3 weeks before that day and had gotten 3 calls while we were in the courtroom that AM, he gave me a deferment. I expect another letter soon. I got 2 of those three jobs.
  7. California has NY beat by a mile.
  8. Whatever. He was in that movie called 'What's eating Gilbert Grape?" wasn't he? Didn't see that one.
  9. CT doesn't have county governments, although there are counties. When I lived there in the early 90s, they noticed that no one from Hartford County was being called. They found out that column for county in the database had 7 spaces, so the D in Hartford was being put in the next column, which was A for alive and D for dead! A judge immediately told convicted criminals that they couldn't get retrials.
  10. Special effects and Kate Winslet nude. FF through the rest. The reason it made so much $ was all the teen girls going over and over again to orgasm over Gilbert Grape.
  11. Remember who is saying this (Conner), someone who thinks that WTC7 was an inside job.
  12. I was on Rte4 in Antioch/Pittsburgh- didn't feel a thing.
  13. You libs made no mention of Chelsea Clinton, also underage at the time, who got totally sh*tfaced every weekend at the DKE parties at Stanford.
  14. Nationalist Socialist Party- ring a bell?
  15. Should have been 1932. 1932- Hitler wins election. Fascism comes to Germany.
  16. Looks to me like she beat the carp out of him.
  17. The ceremony is just ending. There were so many people (25,000!!!) that 7,000 people had to to watch on the scoreboard at the Oakland Colesium next door. The cops are streaming out and lining up in formation. They have a 20 police helicopter formation flying overhead. This morning, about two hours before the ceremony, people were pulling over on the Interstate to allow a motorcade of police cars as far as you could see to come down the Interstate and into the parking lots for the Arena. Almost all of the overpasses on the routes (one funeral procession came from Tracy, about 40 miles away) had people firemen, and cops honoring them. I see on the TV some Mounties standing outside. I see some Marines too. Two partol officers from Chicago drove their cruiser to Oakland.
  18. The funeral for all four policemen is being held Friday morning at the Oracle Arena (where the Warriors play). They expect 18,000 people to attend. Cops from the area and the whole state have volunteered to fill in for the Oakland Police so that the entire force can attend. Tonight they showed the contingent from Orange County (>50 cops and 26 cars- one from each city) driving past the arena.
  19. They could have ridden out on those buses Nagin didn't use.
  20. Another thrown under the bus Tuesday night. The TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) was replaced with a big TV.
  21. At least the city of Oakland is looking better. Yesterday they had a vigil outside the building where the SWAT cops were killed. 200-300 people, black and white showed up vs about 10 for the murderer (probably his family).
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