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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. San Jose took until the late 90s to get fiber optic cable TV and get rid of the A/B boxes.
  2. Why don't you worry about the the illegal antics of people who can directly affect the country? How about murder (Ted Kennedy), racism (Byrd), tax dodgers (Rangle, half of Obama's administration) , payoffs (Dodd and Franks)? Oh right, they are dems.
  3. Priests get the best booze and cigars. My father went to our parish priest to schedule my brother's communion. He came back home three hours later, drunk. In the rectory, the pastor offered him Chivas Regal and Cuban cigars.They sat around shooting the breeze for three hours after filling out the paperwork in 5 minutes. He was the first pastor to have a Lawn Fete at our church. He told my father that you have to give the people something in return for their money. Did a good job- built a new church and hall during his time there. He also made sure that the noon mass ended in time for you to get home by 1 PM to watch (or listen to ) the Bills.
  4. When I was in grad school at Roswell Park (1989), our lab tech was a member of the club (piano player). I had an accident in the morning on the way to Roswell at Oak and Swan and my car got totaled. I call the lab to tell them what happened and to get a ride there after they towed my car. He comes to pick me up and says we have to go someplace first. We go to the Colored Musicians Club and the bartender was cleaning up . He gets me a beer to calm my nerves and I see all the pictures of the jazz greats on the walls. There were pictures of EVERYONE. He had a second job in a band and played for several weddings of people at the hospital. We were in Keystone , CO for a conference. At the piano bar, after the player finished, he asked if he could play some. He got a bigger hand than the person working there. We had a great time standing against the piano while he played.
  5. I first saw Valby at the Red Balloon (later Jerry Korab's) on Colvin in Tonawanda in the fall of 1975. Saw him many more times. In the late 70s he played Melanie's at Main and Transit every weekend I would see him every Friday for months. Last saw him in the Hartford area in 1993. My friends there didn't know I knew who he was, and I played dumb. When he started on Eat, Bite and other songs, their jaws dropped when I knew every word. I told him at that show that I had seen him in 1975 and he said "Hey! An old !@#$er from Buffalo!" He was a good hockey player in his youth. I heard he played in college and someone from high school played against him in a pick-up game. I think he's around 60 now.
  6. Use the valet parking- worth it. The casino workers know all the hookers and if thecops want to crack down, they can just ask the casino to point them out. My cousin is in maintenance at the NYNY night shift and they know all the hookers, they are there every night. make sure the room doors are securely closed. In the NYNY, the building is settling and some doors can be opened by pusing toward the hinges, although they may appear locked. They caught several ex-maids going through the building doing that.
  7. Kumar committed suicide on House!
  8. This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata. To Debbie, you might have missed it, but he called you a dude. Population of Romeo : 10?, 100? 1000?
  9. Yep. He's giving Hamas 900 million.
  10. All this concern about the sex life of a daughter of a VP candidate. Get a life. Why weren't you concerned about the sex life of a President of the US, where it was sexual harassment?
  11. Has Molson or one of the /his many clones surfaced again?
  12. I thought this was the reason. (can't find the original video)
  13. Kelly is going through kneepads faster than a whore with no feet.
  14. Bush gave out a wrong number, but it was to a Christan organization, not a sex line.
  15. What do you have up your sleeve??
  16. The White house gave roporters an 800 # where they could call for a conference call with Hillary Clinton on State Department news. When it was called it was a phone sex line!!!!
  17. The last time I saw something like that was where two guys were doing a women in motel room. They freeze framed it on them high fiving.
  18. Waxman was the model for Lon Chaney's makeup for Phantom of the Opera.
  19. They were socialists, but with the firing of the GM Exec and possible othre ones, they are turning into Fascists.
  20. In the UK series, he was in a coma, came out of it, realized he wanted to be in 1973 and jumped off a building (dying) and going back to 1973 for good. I had a little idea on the real ending at about 10:45 when all the space references really came up. I liked it. Gretchen Mol- is she blond or brunette. I like her blond, of course I'm partial to blonds. Imperioli's dream should have been that he was a mobster. That would have been funny.
  21. Where are the trials for Dodd, Frank , Rangle amd many others?
  22. The problem is that when the Republicans are in control, bi-partisanship really means bi-partisanship. When the dems are in control it is my way or the highway, BOHICA.
  23. The Fascists got the Senate seat. That's all they care about.
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