Typical drivel from you.
I saw on a conservative web site a running tally of events and attendance from people that went to them.. I know of at least three here in the SF bay area that weren't on the list. The list estimated about 400-450K people across the country, and no free concert to draw people in (like Obama's "rally" in Portland).
The rally in front of the Alamo alone had 10-15 K.
This is for a weekday where the weather wascrappy in many cities.
I have a Mac Mini (OSX.3.9) and a Dell laptop (XP-for work) with a Linksys wireless router. The DSL goes through the Mac. The problems I have are with the Windows computer or in the DSL network outside the house. No prob;ems whatsoever for the last 4 years on the Mini. I had a G4 tower before and the motherboard was getting flaky after 5 years on that one. I'd love to get a new Mac, but no $
It comes out today that the Messiah's photo in Iraq was staged. They asked the troops "Who voted for Obama/" Moved them to the front and gave them all cameras. Notice how all the cameras in the photo are the same brand.
Like in the City of Chicago, where the city made the group change the place for the protest after they got the permits and printed up literature. Or ACORN who is trying to infiltrate the tea parties to cause violence so then the press can say they are violent.
The police love conservative demonstrators. We behave. At the three protests I have gone to, the police have thanked us and the only problems were from leftist kooks that showed up.
Black car, low rider, rims probably worth more than the car., blaring Mexican music heard through the closed windows of his and my car, and tattoos would be a good clue.
Another bit of advice I saw on Mansers (Spike TV) how to tell if its a chick or a dude. The Adam's Apple is not reliable. Look at the hands. Almost all guys have a longer ring finger than index finger. In women they are about the same length or the index finger is longer. I have been noticing that it is true.
You obviously haven't been to California, next to Asian women, illegals are the worst drivers. Ever have one cut across 4 lanes of highway trafic in front of you to get to an exit?
Overly sensitive because your grandpa was an illegal?