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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. He's a real a-hole in real life. he started out on KGO in SF (moderate to left) went to KSFO (conservative), and then national. He is on KNEW (conservative) here in the SF area now. KGO and KSFO share studios. People at both stations hated his guts, so they set up an ISDN line to his house so he didn't have to come to the studio.
  2. Actually that tent city has been around for about 40 years. When Oprah found out. Armstrong & Getty, radio guys who are on in the Sacrament and SF areas, had callers. Some said that that homeless camp started around 1970!
  3. Martha Mitchell, John's wife, came in TV when it all started and said her husband was crooked. He dismissed her as nuts. She died from cancer before it was all over and never got to say "see I told you so". No they fact checked, in fact they had to get two sources for everything. The problem is that "journalists" wanted to be the next W &B after that and ran with everything. They weren't famous before the stories came out. In 73-74 I was taking American history in 11th grade and the teacher had us watch the recaps of the daily events on the evening news. She was going over the constitution at the time and was using the current events as a perfect example of it in action.
  4. Get rid of the body. Do we have to explain it all to you?
  5. According to foxnews.com, AP says Jack Kemp has died from cancer.
  6. Two old queens tearing into miss California the other night on PMSNBC. Olberman and some other gay reporter.
  7. Another story. My father's brother and his wife were looking for burial plots while my father was getting sicker. My father hated his sister-in- law (she caused enough trouble that he and his brother didn't speak for over 5 years). Plots next to my parent's plot were available. He said to my mother "If that B word is buried next to me, please dig me up and move me because there's no way in hell I'm spending eternity next to her." They found plots in another cemetery. The ones next to my father were bought by one of my mother's brothers. We joked with my mother when it became 2000. I asked her if we could save money by having 20 engraved on the headstone for her date of death. Hey, it's going to be cheaper now than later. Of course she said no. She's 82 and still driving some. Had an appendectomy at 80 and was fine two weeks later. Her 92 year old sister just had an operation for a bladder tumor last Monday.
  8. With a Mac you won't get the BSOD that incapacitated an aircraft carrier several years back (or did they change the color now?)
  9. According to Southpark, in the episode where Satan is involved with both Saddam and Chris : The Hell Director welcomes a group of new arrivals to Hell. Some of them are confused, saying they had been devout Protestants, or Jehovah's witnesses, and shouldn't be in Hell. The Director tells them "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you were wrong... you chose the wrong religion." They ask "well, what was the correct religion?" The Director informs them: "I'm afraid it was 'the Mormons.' Yes, 'the Mormons' was the correct answer." My father was near the end with lung cancer was very weak, and had a raspy voice. He said to take him to the hospital to die and that they were waiting for him. We said "the nurses in the Oncology ward?" He said "No, in heaven, they're sitting there waiting for me." We took him in on a Thursday. He rallied on Friday, and Saturday , when a cousin of his visited and they talked all day about old times, and Sunday, when he and my mother talked all day (I was at the Bills-Denver game when we scored 21 points in 71 seconds- he told me to go even though I didn't want to). The next day, after work, I went to visit him and pick up my mom. I told him about that great game, and about 10 minutes later he died. An uncle (his b-i-l) that he liked was slowly dying from congestive heart failure. Around Christmas after my dad died, we were watching the last Bills away game of the 1990 season at his house. He said "Son of a B word, the Bills are going to the Superbowl, and I won't see it." He was right. He died the first week of 1991. My mother happened to be visiting him in St. Joes, that day and he died in front her too. A few months before my dad died, I overheard them betting who would go first. They said they would pay up later. My dad was 60 and his b-i-l was 62. I believe they are up there with another uncle (b-i-l of my mother) who was a real nice guy and died from diabetes at 45. I believe they are up there drinking and playing cards and having fun and paying off that bet.
  10. Why? I've never had it. T took my last one in, A 5 year old G4 tower because it was freezing up randomly, including at startup before the OS loaded. They, FOR NOTHING ran a diagnostic disk which pointed to a motherboard problem. That is the only problem I have had with a Mac.
  11. The top is from his godsister's daughter. I've heard of godfathers and godmothers. What is a godsister?
  12. I don't care because I'll be 102. I want my flying car NOW!
  13. Before "Manos: The Hands Of Fate" was shown on MST3K, Dr. Forrester apologized for showing it. True Stories written, directed, and starring David Byrne of the Talking Heads was awful. Watched about 5 minutes, fast forwarded to the "Wild Wild Life" Song, and then took it right back to the video store.
  14. Hard to find the real words between all the ummms.
  15. What the F happened to treason laws? The left gets all worked up when a CIA desk jockey outs herself and then gets publicly outed by a reporter, but when real CIA agents gets outed and it could possibly jeopardize their live, they think it's OK.
  16. Mad I wasn't hanging on the messiah's every utterance?
  17. The advantage of being on the west coast. The pres is on at 5 PM. I watched a repeat of Scrubs last night at 8 PM.
  18. Obama picked somebody so stupid as an insurance policy. Even the white supremacists know how stupid Biden is and wouldn't think about assassinating Obama to make Biden president.
  19. Remember, Conner thinks the WTC7 collapse was an inside job.
  20. One of the radio stattions here said the White hous should just offer a blanket apology for the next four years. "Please do not pay attention to anything VP Biden says. he is suffering from end stage syphilis." :doh:
  21. 101. Joe Biden
  22. Just pick up on that Sherlock?
  23. It took me about 20 seconds to see he was unfunny.
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