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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I argue with the CREtins (creationists) on another board and you would be amazed at the weird stuff they come up with to explain away stuff like this.
  2. You DON'T reveal the location of the Batcave!!!
  3. Far as I know, he didn't go that way. Died many years ago an old man.
  4. Was gone for the weekend, so didn't reply sooner. Could be in the breaker box. My washer/dryer stopped working and I head and saw a flash from the circuit box area. The circuit breaker wasn't tripped., and toggling it back and forth didn't put them back on. I called maintenance (I live in an apartment) and they looked in the box. The wire from the washer,dryer breaker had come loos over the years (about 20) and had shorted out the ground bus bar. The plastic brackets that it was screwed on by had melted. The rest of the circuits had worked fine. They said I was lucky I didn't have a fire. My father had an uncle that would test for live wires while remodeling by wetting his fingers , touching bare end and say "Yep, that one's live!"
  5. Hey, I don't do sock puppets. If I have something to say or troll, I do it all with this name.
  6. Thanks for showing us your page.
  7. Everybody! Kumbayah My Lord...
  8. "All right... we'll give some land to the !@#$s and the chinks. But we don't want the Irish! " (Blazing Saddles-for you youngsters)
  9. Next to the Rockpile there used to be a Loblaws. When it closed, the neighborhood was complaining about businesses abandoning the inner city. Yeasr later, a black man opened up FIGMOS (Finally I Got My Own Supermarket). He lasted about 18 months before closing too. The reason he gave: "They steal just as much from a black store owner as they do a white one. " The shoplifting broke him. My brother delivered to the Family Dollar store on William. The manager was standing on the dock with a pistol- The reason was that people would steal the cases as they slid down the rollers from the truck to the store!
  10. On the last census, for race, I checked "other" and wrote in "human".
  11. Yeah, its like ancient dude, half of your life.
  12. NERD
  13. All this for what amounts to a swirly? How about locking up high school bullies for giving swirlys?
  14. "Which one of those buttons on your chest calls your mom to pick you up? " / Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
  15. IMO, the left has already gone too far in electing the Messiah.
  16. The White house writes most of the questions already.
  17. That's easy. The K is Keith McKellar.
  18. Won't have much time left for that. Besides they don't have the comics.
  19. Kirk hit on any green babes in this version?
  20. She is truculent!
  21. I was going to say that too. Saw him at a Denny's a year or two after he came to Buffalo. Wasn't wearing his rug then.
  22. I already mailed in my ballot. No on 1A-1E Yes on 1F. I also vote now on all bond issues. People forget we have to pay the interest.
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