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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Ever hear the song "Detachable Penis" ?
  2. Monk is ending after the new shows this summer. Tony Shalhoub's contract is up and he want's to do other things. Looking him up (to spell his name right) on IMDB, it says he is a Cheesehead and has Packer season tickets- he grew up there.
  3. You live in a place that no one cares about.
  4. I grew up in Cheektowaga near Cayuga Creek. I had nightmares when I was small about a bear in our yard. My mother would tell me "There's no way that could happen." I guess she was wrong!
  5. Last night cops found a 100 lb bear cub dead on the 190 between the Seneca and Smith Street exits! http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/684227.html
  6. He's clean and articulate. Joe Biden said so.
  7. Tom must be in one of his manic phases. Time to adjust the meds a bit.
  8. Only in her dreams.
  9. The problem is that the parasites that sit in the state capitals don't want to cut spending, just raise taxes. Thank god there are >33% republicans in the CA legislature or CA would already be empty. Lay off about 70 % of the bureaucrats in Sacramento. They even have a Commission on Commissions there.
  10. No dim bulb. This has nothing to do with Obama. Back in the 90s here in California, we passed a Proposition that denied non-emergency benefits to illegals. It passed with about 70% of the vote. The activist judges said it was unconsitutional and overruled the will of the people.
  11. A win for the rule of law. The proposition was not unconstitutional and the public voted for it. Unlike on some other propositions, the CA Supreme Court got it right.
  12. Where did you get that weed you're smoking?
  13. The Locker Room was a great bar, especially on Nurses Night .
  14. It's like when the CBS idiots at the time canceled The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, Hee Haw, and Petticoat Junction (I think) in the same season because the execs said it was trending too rural. All were doing fine in the ratings. Green Acres was as funny as Seinfeld.
  15. I read in the local paper that ABC might pick up My Name is Earl as they did Scrubs (which got renewed). I remember that one of the people on this board saw the pilot of Earl out in LaLa land and told us it would be good. That Chris Rock show has filmed a final episode where Chris tries out stand -up, which he did when he was in high school.
  16. I wouldn't tell my wife either if I had been to the Bunny Ranch.
  17. AA only has two letters. KKK does have three though!
  18. I was watching TV tonight and happened to accidentally stop on MSNBC. That idiot Maddow was on. She looked familiar. Took about 30 seconds then it hit me. She is Fred Savage at the end of The Wonder Years!
  19. No goons? I went to the Recall Grey Davis Rally in Sacramento several years ago. Across the street were a bunch of union guys (had shirts on) that were protesting against the recall. One of them pushed a PREGNANT woman with kids that was leaving the rally. They weren't there on their own- they were paid by the union. They left at 12 PM on the dot. Tony Soprano lives.
  20. Cheney took the weather machine with him when he left.
  21. It'll make your job easier. You and the other union goons won't have to break as many legs.
  22. Rove did have that weather machine that made Katrina go to NO. Maybe that's where it was located?
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