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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Airbuses have a lot of carbon fiber in them.
  2. Connor is.
  3. How did they get the TOTUS to work on 220 V? Does it have a switch or did they need one of those adapter thingies?
  4. The Atlantic spreads at about the rate your fingernails grow.
  5. I have had two experience with t-storms while flying. One time coming into DC, we had a T-storm directly ahead. Took us 10 minutes to go around it. Flying from SF to Atlanta once, we went through a squall line over Alabama or Mississippi. There was lightning around but it didn't hit the plane. It was the worst turbulence I have felt. I was white knuckling it. The guy next to me flew a lot more and kept reading his book. When we landed in Atlanta, I saw on the CNN weather that there were tornadoes in that line of storms.
  6. I heard that "Lil" Kim was picked because the oldest son was out of the running for using a fake passport to attend Disneyland Tokyo and the middle son is "too girlish". This is not a joke. I saw a family picture of the Chia Pet with the sons at a younger age. Lil Kim looked about 10 then and the middle son did look like a girl.
  7. I'm lazy and don't feel like looking up my post from the past (it may have gotten lost in the big crash several years ago) but a fertilized egg is a unique living human being. It conducts the seven process needed to be considered living. It has its own unique DNA sequence. During development of eggs and sperm (meiosis), the chromosomes, one from your dad and one from your mom, "cross over" and exchange portions of DNA.
  8. Was an African- American who converted to Islam in jail and went to Yemen using a fake Somali passport. Lot more to worry about there. The Messiah made a statement about the killing of the abortionist within 12 hours. Has he made one about this yet?
  9. Already happened in CA. They are working w/o pay every other Friday.
  10. Already happened in CA. They are off w/o pay every other Friday.
  11. And people thought Bryan Cranstonwasn't that good of an actor.
  12. You mean the ones he didn't SUCK THE BRAINS OUT OF while the rest of their bodies were outside the mother's body?
  13. I was watching Forensic Files last night where a guy faked his own death. They found part of the skull and a few teeth in the guys burnt out car. When the insurance company (the guy had $7 mil in coverage) investigated they found the the incisor had a shovel shape which indicated are mongoloid characteristics (N & S American Indians and Asians). After they caught the guy he confessed that he dug up some peasant from a Mexican cemetery and placed him in the car. I have also heard people that do the reconstructions of features from the skulls state that people of Negroid race have a wider nasal opening in the skull.
  14. The G-man is a blast to listen to, but unfortunately he is on at 3 AM here in the west. Here's a quote: "As a covicted felon I cannot own a firearm. But the missus is not and she owns all the firearms she wants." At least he didn't blab for a reduced sentence or probation.
  15. Quoting Cosmo Kramer: "My boys need support!"
  16. There are three races. They used to be called Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid (I don't know the PC terms now). From certain traits on the skull, the race of the person can be determined (ever see CSI or numerous shows on trueTV?). Hispanic is not one of them. Hispanic is a group of nationalities, like slavic. Hispanic is a PC term that really means nothing except what the liberals want it to mean.
  17. He's proving how stupid he is every day.He can't put two words together without the TOTUS present. Two weeks after his coronation I said he would out Carter Carter. He has managed to do it in < six months.
  18. Just calling it "The Race" is offensive. I don't know what state you live in, but in CA they are at every pro illegal alien protest.
  19. And the dems said Bush was dumb? C'mon , really. Who's the President?
  20. I know La Raza is not as bad as the KKK but its no Polish Falcons either (to bring in a Buffalo reference). La Raza does mean "The Race". Hispanic is NOT a race. Like I said, if a white politician or judge belonged to "The Race", he'd be tarred and feathered.
  21. She's a racist. She belongs to La Raza which mean "The Race". If a white nominee belonged to an organization called The Race, you'd have him locked up. Where were you when the dems were sabotaging Bushes hispanic judicial nominees?
  22. Great reading comprehension here. The thread title says Tiger(which it was) and the latest people are talking about lions.
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