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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Great sh--. Had it when i went in for asurgery. Telling the nurse"Cut me open, I don't care" and thinking I'd F ' her right there if I could even raise my head up off the gurney.
  2. Notice the sideburns on #3! From what I've heard in teh SF bay area, Jim Lange was also interested in the bachelors. He's still around. He was a DJ on a jazz station in the SF area until a few years ago.
  3. 82 East of the SF Bay, Supposed to be about 88. Tomorrow and Sunday 102 and 103. Going to be in Marin County Sunday. About 93 there then.
  4. San Francisco- Tis spring and the smell of urine is in the air!
  5. Clear your cache. Or close your browser and open it again
  6. If you see a stealth fighter from the front at a distance , it does look like a UFO.
  7. Being from Buffalo, when I read the thread title, I thought "What does the Air Force have to do with Roswell Park?"
  8. With Hedd's sex obsession, I'm surprised he isn't glued to the day long BJ on ABC .
  9. As the instrumental part of Layla plays in the background.
  10. Most are citing Americanized dishes. In the 80s I went to SF for a conference. One of the people from ourlab was from China. We went to Chinatown for dinner. He told us the Chinese writing in the window were specials not on the menu for people who were native speakers. He ordered for us and specifically told them to not Americanize it. We had stuff I had never seen. All of it was delicious. His Chinese friends threw him a birthday party and us labmates were invited. There was a table heaping with food, none of which I had heard of or seen before. Again, all delicious.
  11. Caught parts flipping around the dial last season. He was already pissed off last year. She treated him like one of the kids. Whenever he would be answering questions, she would interrupt and tell him why he was wrong. He gave up already last year and was quiet with a look of resignation.
  12. Israel built tunnels to smuggle guns and other arms into the Gaza from Egypt? Israeal constantly sends missles into itself from the Gaza?
  13. I never took a stats class in college (It was a joke at UB) and I have a better grasp of it than someone who went to Cornell. And to DC Tom- FU!
  14. I get looks here when I say pop, but when I watch the Bills at a bar,go back to WNY, or talk on here I slip back into pop immediately.
  15. Less fat, healthier. Trying to lose weight. Had with Manwich for dinner instead.
  16. They could shut up all these people if they ljust published a high res picture of it on the web.
  17. You should hate her guts. She kisses the unions' asses in Congress while owning non-union restaurants and actively trying to keep them out. F' hypocriye c--t. We'll stop calling her that when she stops acting like one.
  18. Israel's population is about 7.4 million. about 40 times smaller than the US's 300 million. So 500 interviewed there is equivalent to 20,000 in the us. I haven't found #s , but that is far more than most polls in the US.
  19. Israel is much, much smaller. 500 is like 5000 polled in the US
  20. Nothing yet, it's only 10:50 out here in CA. I'll have a ham and cheese with onion sandwich with water (out of pop) and salsa/cheese (mixed together) with chips. For dinner, I'm making burritos with ground turkey.
  21. How is Bill's jaw?
  22. I'm Polish (my maternal grandfather came over). I want apologies and reparations from Germany, Russia/USSR and the Austria-Hungarian Empire for taking over Poland before WWI
  23. And all the stuff they were convicted of was verified when the USSR fell and they opened the KGB files.
  24. How about having the Africans apologize for selling their own people to the slave traders?
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