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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. He blowed up real good!
  2. As we saw in Men in Black, The National Enquirer is a trusted news source.😀
  3. "We've Only Just Begun" was written by Paul Williams for a Crocker National Bank in California.
  4. Blotto! Haven't heard that band's name decades! They were popular around Albany around 1980. "I Wanna Be a Lifeguard" was their hit. Actually saw it once on MTV in 1980. That was their logo.
  5. The left looks at the Constitution and sees "This is what I FEEL it means", not the actual words on the parchment.
  6. Sorry. Was looking at this thread before trying to post on PPP. Must have hit the wrong tab.
  7. Saw slivers of the sun for a few seconds in Cheektowaga, but secons before totality, the thick clouds moved in. The center of totality was within a half mile of me. Within seconds, it got darker than a moonless night. Birds start chirping like it was dusk and roosted. I live near the Buffalo Airport and the planes were held on the ground. One must have been holding on the runway as it took off within 30 seconds of the light coming back. A gas company truck pulle over across the street to watch the eclipse as he left as soon as it got light again. It was eerie. By 5 PM, the skies were clear.
  8. Projection and obfuscation is all they have.
  9. Have had my user name since this board was formed almost 30 years ago in the 90s by SDS before it formally became TBD. Derived from my last name.
  10. Atheistic commie Nazis ⬆️ trying to determine hidden meanings in one sentence amendments.
  11. The 10th amendment means what it says. ABORTION IS NOT A FREEDOM stated in the Bill of Rights. If you wants a nationwide ban or have it legal in all 50 states, pass an amendment to the Constitution. Otherwise, what the SC did is the only Constutional way, by leaving it up to the states.
  12. The Tenth Amendment was upheld. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." This is a direct quote from the Bill of Rights.
  13. As of 8:20 AM, some rain around Erie, PA.Should be past Buffalo by noon and then scattered clouds after that. Temp will be about 60, dipping 5 degrees with totality. Mainline Thruway through Cheektowaga was dead this morning but some streets in NF are already closed.
  14. I thought Angela Davis was much older. "...I know what mental illness looks like!..." She looked in the mirror.
  15. They were $2.00 here a few morns ago. Probably go up to $10 after CA upped the minimum to $20.
  16. The distance is only 81 miles. That's closer than Bifalo to Erie, PA.
  17. 😅The Raiders had banner there that I read "Commitmemnt to Excrement."
  18. There were ~150 about two miles north of where I lived in CA on Thanksgiving week one year. Two 4,2s and the rest you couldn't feel.
  19. Play on a houseboat? Sausalito is hills and houseboats with a street in between.That's all.
  20. Sacramento is the AAA farm team of the A's. Toronto played in Buffalo during COVID.
  21. Nothing in WNY. Last year, we had a 4.6 two mies away. 5th biggest ever in the state. Even that one was nothing compared to ones I felt in CA.
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