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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Wetlands are whatever the DEC says they are- if you pay them off, its not a wetland.
  2. He did it in the office. If he did it upstairs in the private quarters in the evening, that's different. Go and screw one of your employees in your office and have the boss find out- see how long you last. Democrats can murder someone (Ted Kennedy), rape someone (Slick Willie - Juanita Broderick (remember"Put some ice on it?) or be an officer in a racist organization (Robert KKK Byrd ) and nothing happens.
  3. Then why didn't you want Bubba to quit? He had sex in the office during office hours. Sexual harassment.
  4. Amhet, Dweezil, and Moon Unit. Amhet went by the name of Bob (I think) in HS because in elementary school, they called him "Ahmet Vomit".
  5. Wait until that runt flies off the handle in the Senate. A few people have come close to getting restraining orders against him.
  6. Sorry a-hole. It's new to me.
  7. Got this joke from a friend: When Farrah Fawcett died, her soul was greeted at the pearly gates by Saint Peter. Saint Peter looks at her book of life, and says well Farrah you led a pretty good life. Helped the needy, and were strong, and compassionate. So before you pass the pearly gates into heaven, you are allowed one wish for something good. Farrah says, well I would like all the children of the world to be safe. A couple hours later Michael Jackson was dead
  8. To quote a former president "Put some ice on it."
  9. Move to Mountain View (Home of Google)- Free city-wide WiFi
  10. An example- My town has been building a reserve fund into the budget. They found that the community center, built in the late 60s-early 70s had extensive mold damage. They found out it would cost only $500,00 more to build a new building rather than repairing. Did it without raising any taxes at all.
  11. Molecular Biology- Thesis was on the DNA replication pattern of a group of Baker's yeast genes. I developed a method to map which way the replication fork on a stretch of DNA was moving. Yeast have specific DNA replication origins. Later, another lab , using my method showed that in human cells, the DNA replication origins are non-specific. They found DNA replication forks moving in both directions.
  12. I had wished one had asked me the airspeed of an unladen swallow. The oral exams you take feel like that.
  13. In San Jose, near Lick Observatory (where some of the first extrasolar planets were discovered), the street lights are low powered and very orange to cut down on light pollution on Mt. Hamilton , where the Observatory is. Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. in fact it's cold as hell.
  14. My brother works for the county in a non-civil service, but union job. It was "highly "recommended by the union that they attend a Gorski fundraiser if they wanted any chance of advancement in the future. My brother went for the beer.
  15. 1,943rd Martian Day. A Martian day is 24 hours, 34 minutes.
  16. I was in San Rafael, Corte Madera, and Larkspur (where Dirty Harry shot jumped on the bus and shot Scorpio (the trestle and quarry are gone)) yesterday. I was at least the mid 90s there. When we got to Richmond, ~6 miles away and across the bridge, it was 69 degrees. Today I checked and it was 68 in Richmond ion the Bay northwest of Oakland . At my house, 25 miles away, it was 98! I driven through the Caldecott Tunnel in Oakland. It's located right where the big fire in 91 was. On the Oakland side I have seen peas soup fog and temps in the 60s. On the east side, 0.6 miles away, it is perfectly clear and in the 90s.
  17. Skanky? She was the Ivory Snow Girl!
  18. Practice, Practice, Practice. I did mine about 25 times and I was on autopilot for it. My advisor said he had seen only one person not pass his defense. Once they tell you to write, they have seen the data and know it's enough for you to defend. He said when they send you out for ten minutes or so to "discuss" your work, they immediately sign the paperwork and then BS the rest of the time. The oral exams before I started doing the research were a lot tougher.
  19. It's going to keep going up as the baby boomer generation gets older. More pepole, more celebrities, more dead celebrities.
  20. Already 100 at 12:30 PM today.
  21. And in Modesto,CA the school board ok'd letting students go to get an abortion, doctor, and dentist visits during the school day without telling the parents.
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