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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Fetterman-an example that people can recover from the mental damage caused by a stroke.
  2. Slime likes those young boys, just like his idols, The Lincoln Project.
  3. Slime and his sock puppets- The Westboro Baptist Church of the left.
  4. More good news. 10 weeks post transplant. Went Monday for a biopsy on new kidney. Went today for labs and to see the doc. No signs of rejection. Physician's assistant said they rate the biopsy results from 0-15 with 0 being a newborn and 15 being almost dead. Mine was a 4. She said the best she has ever seen was a 2. May be able to be out in public without a mask by month's end.
  5. A friend grew up in Gettysburg,PA. He still had a an early 70's Playboy. He kept it because th centerfold in the issue was a HS classmate of his. Everybody in town knew her before Playboy because her parents owned a small local amusement park. He showed us her picture in the yearbook. Her name in Playboy was different because her last name (I kid you not) was D*ck.😀
  6. What is needed is Inglorious Basterds in Gaza.
  7. Joke looks like he is thinking "Why is this servant asking me questions?"
  8. LARPers are with the lefties now?
  9. The best caller ever (sports or talk) on WGR was East Side Eddie. Used to call John Otto on the late night show all the time. He had dat classic east side Polonia accent der.
  10. Adam Schiff for brains had his luggage stolen from his car in a SF parking garage.🤣 At a fundraiser where everybody was wearing suits and fancy dresses, he had to wear the clothes he wore on the plane.
  11. Will the useful lib idiots on this board finally get a brain?
  12. Also in that clip he almost tool a header but caught himself at the last second. He is "walking" worse than I did after being in bed in the hospitalfor 4 weeks except to walk to the bathroom.
  13. Saw a pro-Lindy electronic billboard today on Southwestern near McKinetjst past the stadium.
  14. So he's a racist because he didn't quoit his job at a segregated swimming pool.
  15. It's "wife" has plenty of time to be on this board as it takes only 5 seconds to get the deed done. Who knows if it is male, female, hermaphrodite, or even human (could be a bot).
  16. Probably the first good thing Kraft has done.
  17. Tibby, you're a 'tard. T master isn't.
  18. Used to live in the SF Bay area for almost 20 years. Moved back to WNY 10 years ago. In 2022 went back to visit and wore my Bills Mafia shirt to a get-together for my hobby there. Had lot of question about what it meant. I explaned that being a Bills fan is like being in the Mafia. Once you join, you are in it for life and can't quit.😀
  19. This is a Tenth Amendment ruling pure and simple. The previous courts ignored one of the amendments until now.
  20. The Cavages I went to was at the Como Mall, about a mile from my house. I'm feeling fine, better than I have in several years. All vitals are in the normal range. Back to driving. Went for labs Wed. No call from docs, so they must be OK. My incision is healed. On Apr 29th, going for a biopsy of the new kidney to make sure it is OK. Sister has to take me to ECMC because they will sedate me for the short procedures and they said I will be recovering from the sedation for about 4 hours. I have lost 40 lbs from my high in 2022 and 20 lbs since the transplant on 2/15. Have a pair of nice (dress) pants that were snug but not tight in February,but look like clown pants now.
  21. People saying "kilbossy" instead of kielbasa, especially if they are from WNY. Enough of us Poles in the area that everyone should know how to pronounce the word.
  22. I trrmrmber seeing the Street Survivors album in Cavages. I have the Who album.
  23. RAV -Real America's Voice was reporting on the Israeli retaliation at 9:30 PM.
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