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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. What the F is that???
  2. The next appearance by Joke they shout play "Should I Stay or Should I Go Now" by The Clash.
  3. Their getting an ID from DNA in an hour or so is TV BS (like in CSI, NCIS, etc). I was a molecular biologist and the process of getting the DNA out of a tissue sample takes the good part of a day. The sequencing also takes about that long. A coupe of days for any DNA sample at the minimum. I read that his parents filed a concern about him disappearing with a gun about him at about noon Saturday. That was how the traced him so fast.
  4. Because of people like me. I am 5 months post kidney transplant. Two weeks ago I went to ECMC for my regularly scheduled checkup. Two days before, I started getting a stuffy nose and a cough. First thing they did was to swab my nose. Not COIVID but I did catch parainfluenza, which generally hits <5 and >65 (me). Before I even got home they called to tell me the results. They adjusted my anti-rejection meds to strengthen my immune system. Luckiy they got it early and it only lasted 5 days. Was sicker from COVID last Thanksgiving. Who knows how I got it as I did not see any sick people in any store I went to.
  5. Well, the tiki torch brigade isn't there yet.
  6. Dietary restrictions- nothing really just eat healthy. As of now get blood and urine tests every two weeks. If they see seething such as potassium off they tell me to eat more of certain stuff. As with any transplant recipient of any organ, have to never eat grapefruit or pomegranate again. Something in these inhibits the activation of the anti-rejection meds in the liver. Bought a 12-pack of Squirt last fall to have it one last time and remember how it tasted. Lifestyle- CKD sneaks up on you. Don't realize how much you slowed down until after the trasplant. Was taking 2 naps a day every day before. Now maybe one or two a week. Starting in April had more energy than I have had in years. Take ~30 pills a day. 15 in AM,4 during the day and 10 at night. 9 of these are anti-rejection meds. Take 3 at once. Have to take weight and temp in the AM and pulse, BP and glucose level in AM and PM. You get used to that, a small inconvenience to maintain your health. I am retired but my job is to make sure I am the healthiest I can be
  7. Five months ago today! At this time (9AM), I was on the table in the OR. Everything is going well. Wish I knew how to change the title of this thread.
  8. Get some counseling. The hate will eat you up. I wake up every day for the last 5 months thanking God and the donor for the gift of a kidney. I am so glad I a still here. Today is 5 months and counting. Nothing bothers me anymore.
  9. Show us on the doll where the orange man touched you.
  10. It's a doctored photo. That is on Trump's left side. He was grazed on the RIGHT ear.
  11. It was for a good cause. Kids Escaping Drugs. Barry Lillis the former weatherman at channel 2, had a problem with alcohol. Got sober ad became a minister. He started Kids Escaping Drugs which is still going strong today. It is located right next to the supermarket I go to.
  12. Cat ladies?
  13. He had a teleprompter preselected questions and probably an earpiece.
  14. Have you notice that at times recently, Joe is looking like Fire Marshall Bill?
  15. "Hi, my name is Tibs and iI am a Trumpaholic." "Hi Tibs!" There are support groups for everything. Find one.
  16. Another jolt of joy juice! Suddenly his eyes were a lot more open at the last question. Must be wearing a dialable med pump.
  17. GET OFF OF MY LAWN! Left foot? Could it be another sign of an impending stroke?
  18. Whispering again! What changed? My diaper!
  19. I had one 10 years ago and will have another one from listiening too.
  20. Well he is "doing" better because today he has seen the questions beforehand has a teleprompter and probably an earpiece. And they got the med levels right. Had to mash up the pils in his ice cream.
  21. His left eye is noticeably more closed than his right. Is he going to have a stroke in the right side of his brain?
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