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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. She is probably thrilled to be there. Any improvement gives you the impetus to improve even more. When I had my stroke 10 years ago, I remember laying in ICU wondering if i would ever get any better. Recently when my kidney function was going down, I had no energy and still had a lot of boxes to unpack from moving in in October 2012. Two months after my transplant in February, I started having more energy than I have had several years. Now everything is unpacked clean, and where it is supposed to be.
  2. Could be her last supper. Being that heavy, she/he/it could have a heart attack tomorrow.
  3. I was walking better than that when I still had 35 staples in my abdomen after my transplant.
  4. If Cameltoe and Joke have such successes who aren't they crowing about them in ads? The only political ads I have seen on Facebook are Obummer, Joke, and Camreltoe begging for $.
  5. The first thing that came to mind while watching this 13 minute lie was the Star Trek episode where they went to the Nazi planet. The gut they knew was doped up and used as a puppet. Joe even looks like the actor.
  6. Also, the SS or whoever is responsible for protecting Heads of State F'd up again. Palestinian-Hamas supporters (goons/useful idiots) got into the Watergate Hotel where Netanyahu is staying and released cockroaches and were puling fire alrms all night.
  7. Muppy told me that a couple of weeks ago. Thank you both.
  8. Got off the wound vac a week ago. Just put a wet ad dry gause dressing on the incision. Visiting nurse changed it last Friday and showed me how to do it myself by showing me in a mirror I held. Came Monday and had me do it myself while she watched. Was low on supplies so didn't do it myself yesterday. Went to ECMC today for the surgeon to examine it. Less than 15 minute visit. Director of the transplant center was the surgeon who examined it and changed dressing. Will now change it daily myself as the supplies came in yesterday. Go to ECMC weekly until incision full healed. Then monthly visits for blood and urine tests.
  9. Thaks for letting me know what is in that. Another thing I can never have. If you have had a traspant of any type, you cannot have anything with grapefruits or pommrgranites ever again. Something in them interferes with the activation of anti-rejection meds in the liver.
  10. He's not dead, he's pining for the fjords!
  11. Posted this an another thread. My sister and her husband went to Europe for a cruise and got back 7/4. Spent 3 days in Rome. Saw the Colosseum and they couldn't get a taxi back to their hotel so the walked the mile or so. They stopped into a place to get a drink and were talking. A woman and her adult daughter at the next table noticed they were Americans and they were too. Asked where they were from and they find out they were from WNY too! The adult daughter is the executive chef for the staff and the payers at Highmark Stadium!
  12. For years it has been two at most but have at least one pop between beers. Have had at most 12 beers since 1/1/23. Docs said I could have a beer every now and then post transplant, but taking 18 different meds a day (30 pills), I don't want to mess up my heath at all. Last time I had any alcohol was 12/25/23.
  13. Camel Toes' successes?? She can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
  14. Ordering a semi full of popcorn for the DNCCP convention.
  15. Was she the one that wore the cowboy hats covered with sequins to match her outfit?
  16. Why is KO lying about having a brain? Five days later and there is no confirmation, not even an anonymous source that KO has a brain!
  17. Channeing your inner Hillary I see.
  18. What's the designation for TDS???
  19. Dumbass libtards step on a rake again. That WAS his Coat and helmet. His name was so long it wouldn't fit on the coat. He left out the A so it would. This info is straight from the fire station itself
  20. And your image is a soy boy.
  21. What the F is that???
  22. The next appearance by Joke they shout play "Should I Stay or Should I Go Now" by The Clash.
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