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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. As soon as I saw a photo of Trump taken during the conversation, I knew it was BS. He is on a phone on his end that is sittng on a table. Musk reeased a tape yesterday that is much cleaner. A person that is knowledgeable said that was due to compression between the wireless mike Trump wore and the phone and then to Musk's equipment.
  2. Watch her say "Our ally, East Germany."
  3. Jerry or Wilie, Cameltoe probably serviced both of them. Both of them are scum.
  4. I'm spoiled. I live in South Cheektowaga. We have Charley the Butcher by the airport and Schwabl's about 3 miles south of me.
  5. And they call the right a cult. The iron law is iron clad.
  6. Tell me another one. He learned from his real father Fidel. Look at a picture of him and a young Fidel and tell me that's not his father.
  7. Plenty of pictures of Joe.
  8. She shows up at two already scheduled concerts. They also had to pay homeless to show up. Ad paying influencers 10K apiece to put down Trump.
  9. Bernie Sanders and Tampon Tim spent their honeymoons Commie countries. If you spent your honeymoon in a commie country you might be a come.
  10. Around noon a F1 tornado hit the lower west side of Buffalo. It was within a mile of City Hall. No one was injured but a few trees were downed and a report of a car flipped. Was around Niagara and Carolina Streets for those who are familiar with the area.
  11. What about Joe Lieberman in 2000 with Gore?
  12. As was said in Tropic Thunder- "Never go full Kamala."
  13. It took the Mossad a while, but they eventually elimiated all the scum that were responsible for the killings at the Munich Olympics back in 1972. The movie Munich is based on this.
  14. Next they'll use the National Lampoon tactic- "If you don't vote for us, we'll shoot this dog."
  15. When I lived in Sunnyvale, CA for a few years in the 90's, there was a flock of parrots that had escaped and multiplied down the street. They would sit in the trees and al squawk at the same time. Reminds me of the libtards here.
  16. Cametoe got 10K to attend "her rally" because she gave out free tickets for a rapper. As soon as the music stopped, people started leaving. DNCCP going back to their same losing ways. Didn't Hilary do this? Cametoe also doing the fake accent. At least she didn't use the "packet of hot sauce " line.
  17. What's super weird and perverted is backing the NAMBLA (and i DON'T mean North American Marlin Brando Look Alikes) front group The Lincoln Project.
  18. Calling anybody to the right of Bernie Sanders deplorables,Nazis, racists,homophobes,etc. isn't working anymore. Today the DNCCP parrots have switched to calling them weirdos, especially JD Vance.
  19. Have cataracts. Would have gotten them fixed already but I had more pressing concerns like a transplant. M is next to N on the keyboard. Sometimes looks like an n. Plus I am a hunt and peck typist.
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