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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I just remembered watching these EB films . I would get y\up at 6 AM for school so I could get ready before my sister woke up at 6:45 and rushed aroun\d the house to be out for the bus at 7:20. One of the TV stations would play these from 6-7. I would sit and eat breakfast nd watch them.
  2. 7 months post transplant. Kidney still fine . Scabs on incision but don't need to wear a dressing on it anymore. Burises from accident almost gone and no pain even while laying down for bed. Haven't used any tylenol for several days. Got a 2021 Nissan Altima to replace the 2009 Ford Focus I totaled. Picked it up on Wednesday 9/10. The Ford was starting to rust out and I was planning to run it into the ground anyways. Got from the insurance about what I paid for it back in 2017.
  3. Told this in the past. Our company (in Alameda CA) had an office in NJ and several people would go there to do work. One guy would get tickets for several flights over one or two days so if he got done early he could fly back the day before he was scheduled. We were al watching on the TV in the lunchroom and around noon he disappears to his office and comes back. He says "look what I found". He had a boarding ticket for flight 93 for 9/11! He had finished his work on 9/10 and flew back that evening. This was before you could print out your own passes. It was on one of those IBM cards they used then. Someone I went to HS with was an audiologist for the army and she worked at the Pentagon then. I read later that she got a commendation for treating people who were injured in the crash there.
  4. Swear I heard it on David Belavia's show on WBEN about ½ hour ago. A caller used every stale Billsy tactic short of swearing. It was talking over David all the time and kept changing the subject.
  5. Haitians are eating people in their own country, why is anyone surprised they are eating pets here?
  6. Biden’s not dead, he's just ping for the fjords. Why doesn't he ask his puppet master, Half Black Jesus,Barack Hussein Obama? Obammy has stated he has eaten dog
  7. Never voted for a dem for president. First presidential election I voted in was Ford-Carter.
  8. My dad was a staioned as a fireman on Ford Island during the Korean War and then at Barber's Point NAS (at the southern tip of Oahu). My parents went there in 86 for their 30th anniversary. They stayed in Honolulu and on Maui. They took the tours of Pearl Harbor, Diamond head, Maui, Punchbowl crater, The Polynesian Cultural Center and went to a luau. My dad said the luau location was just up the road from Barber's Point so the ride to it brought back lots of memories as the road was still rural. When he was stationed there, the Arizona's superstructure was still sticking out of the water and their barracks (which is where retired Admirals' homes are now) still had bullet holes in them. While on the tour gf Diamond Head he asked where the Royal Hawaiian was on the skyline (back around 1950, it was one of 3 hotels there). The guide said See that al hotel, then see the smaller oe next to it, and then the teensy-weensy roof next to that? That's it.
  9. He's still alive?????????
  10. I'm living ⅓ mile from where I grew up in Cheektowaga, so I saw the gradual changes. I pass by our house every time I go to the supermarket. We sold the house 3 years ago when mom died. The people that bought it haven't made any external changes yet.
  11. FBI to the SS: Hold muh beer...
  12. Interesting how this comes out at the same time the drug addict Hunter pleads GUILTY.
  13. Two weeks later just muscle aches in shoulders and at my shoulder blades. Just taking one tylenol every 12 hours now. Yesterday at checkup they took the regular blood tests and urinalysis. No calls from them so nothing has changed from before the accident. Had chest and spine x-rays right after the accident. I have gained several pounds since the accident 2 weeks ago but that could be from the collection of fluid around the bruised area. Doctor agreed and I am actually peeing more the last several days so my body is slowly getting rid of the fluid. Have also been taking water pills regularly since the transplant in Feb. Also they told me to start visiting my regular nephrologist again.
  14. Everything with the new kidney doing great!Two weeks ago while driving home from a checkup, I got in an accident. My fault. Other person was fine but my airbag didn't deploy and I hit the steering whee with my chest. No broken bones but have a nasty bruise on the right side of my chest. My car was a 2009 and was totaled. Getting $700 more than I paid for it in 2017. Told the transplant center that day about it and as long as there is no pain in my lower abdomen (where the new kidney was placed) and the pain didn't get worse (it didn't) I didn't have to come in before my next scheduled visit (which was yesterday 9/4) . Doc looked at the bruise yesterday and said OOOH! The original incision (which they had to drain in May) has healed nice and I don't have to put any dressing on it if I don't want to.
  15. Jimmy-Glad to see that your parole officer let you out. Oh, and J-E-T-S Suck Suck Suck!😄
  16. Wearing that to a Bills game would clasify you as a special needs person. You would already have the helmet.
  17. I learned from my visible man model (probably age 9) that they are on opposite sides of the body.
  18. Cameltoe can't even so a good Herve Vilechez impression. She was talking to a group of French scientists (?) and kept saying "The plan" with what sounded a french accent. It's "De Plane! De Plane!"
  19. Same old BS Dim tactic. Sweep stuff under the rug until people bring it up again and then say "That's old news". Well we've had that shoved our faces so much, that we are not going to take it anymore. Trump is a modern day Howard Beale. Lifting the veil off of people's eyes.
  20. I have a friend who is a manager of a small office building (4 stories) a block away from the approach to the Bay Bridge in downtown SF. They have gated underground parking that visitors cannot access unless let in by an employee of one of the tenants. If she doesn't bring in lunch, she doordashes it. They had to cut down the trees in front of the building because the homeless bums would climb them and break into second floor windows at night.
  21. She fell asleep and when she woke up, the lights were out and the door was closed.
  22. I thought Dukakis' campaign was the worst until I saw the beginning of Cameltoe's.
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