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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. NY, where QB careers go io die.
  2. Younger than me.
  3. A Hallmark Christmas movie NOT filming in East Aurora? Blasphemy!
  4. Didn't see you commie looney lefties blaming Obama when fight 3407 crashed in Clarence.
  5. PWI- Postin While Intoxicated (or Insane- hard to tell which)
  6. Like I said few weeks ago, no posting until you blow into the breathalyzer attached to your computer.
  7. Roundy: Holy underwear! Sheriff murdered! Innocent women and children blown to bits! We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!
  8. The dog was in a kennel/carrter. took like it starved dehydrated to death.
  9. He was the second Space Ghost. The Original Space Ghost was Garry Owens who died in 2015. Garry Owens also did Roger Ramjet's voice and was the "Announcer "on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In.
  10. I am surprised that the only Meterorology major in the SUNY system is in Albay and not in Buffalo. That was the case in 1980 but I don't know if it is true now i do know that the most desired post in the NE is here.
  11. Is that the death rate for the whole word or just the US. In a lot of hell holes, the general health is low which makes one more susceptible to other infections and complications. In the first half of the 60s (before the vaccine), getting the measles was not something to panic about. You just stayed home and got over it. Like I said I did not hear of a single instance of someone dieing from it and my school district had about 350 kids in my grade. Rubella, of course, was different because it can cause miscarriages in pregnant women (not whatever term the loonies use today). There was a breakout in the early 80s (I think) and I had to got to the doc to get a script for a test to show that I had antibodies against both because I had them before the vaccine came out and the school district only kept health records from the nurses office for 10 years. I has to show that I was vaccinated to register for grad school that year.
  12. And how many people also had the Spanish Influenza which killed between 17-50 million and people from 1918-1920. More soldiers died from the flu than warfare.
  13. It's all the illegals that flooded in during the Bi-done admin. The two that died probably had underlying problems. Measels was no big problem in the 60s. Kids would get it, stay home for several days, watch TV and drink 7-Up (got that when we were sick) and days later would return to school. i'm sure there were extremely rare case where someone would die, but I never heard of someone from school dying from it. This was BEFORE the vaccine was developed. Also caught rubella. Now, just get the vacs and no problem.
  14. Tell me how educational levels from the early 70s compare to today. Carter established the Dept of Ed in the late 70s. Has it done a single thing except make us dumber?
  15. Boy, after breaking her hip, Nan has really gone downhill quickly. Must have stopped getting injections of young boys blood.
  16. Who else is going to get the two people who have been on the ISS since the fall due to Boeing's incompetence? Isn't the "rescue" mission going up in a few weeks.?
  17. I'm all for Trump and Musk but I think in that photo, he sorta looks like Gene Simmons with short hair.
  18. Dems: "Trump killed him!"
  19. The only thing better would have been if he said "In closing..." and out came the Vilage People to the strains of YMCA.😀
  20. Whip their asses with those paddles.
  21. The worst people with carts are at Wegman's on a Saturday. I use the motorized cart if I'm shopping all over the store because of a bad back. When I get to the intersection of aisles, I slowly inch out because I don't know how many times peope have come barreling down the cross aisle oblivious to cross traffic
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