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    Back in WNY, the only place to be

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  1. Saw Talas once at He and She's bar. By Fun 'n Games park and the Whele car wash (was actually shaped like a whale) on Colvin near the 290.
  2. I'm too sexy for my shirt Too sexy for my shirt So sexy it hurts ... I'm a model, you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the catwalk Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah I shake my little tush on the catwalk
  3. Were they going to hang Brad Williams?
  4. Just saw this: They found an armoured vehicle *looks like a tank) 16 feet sown un a peat bog in Lithuania. I'd bet they are inside its
  5. Netflix announced today there is a film on the history of the Sabres coming out in August. At first I thought this was the Bills April Fools joke, but it is too early.
  6. I'm surprised you didn't literally shoot yourself in the foot like you have figuratively here.
  7. That's Maryvale F them.😀 you loons can't stand stand that some prices have gone down since Trump retook office. Besides, I am sticking yo the topic unlike your side.
  8. Wegman's is $4.99/doz whir Tops is still at $8.50. Just went shopping today.
  9. More left wing BS. I'm taking about your post Tibby. They were killed in a trading exercise. Happems all the time, even at Ft. Dix, NJ
  10. It was Jambo, later amed Fat Brat. The guitarist must have weighed close to 300.
  11. Or SF in the 2000s. Would have to go do jobs in SF and have to visit the city offices on Market St. Would get there just as things were opening at 8:30-9 AM The business owners would be washing the urine off the sidewalks. Now they have to clean the s*** off. Back then the druggies and bums would only clog up the escalators to the BART with their s***.
  12. Look in the mirror and can't believe I am two years away from 70. Day started with a blood test. They adjusted one of my anti-rejection meds last week and wanted to see what the level is now. Went to the local Chinese buffet, which I go to on my b-day except for last year as I was just out of the hospital.I used to have two heaping plates of stuff but now it was with a reasonable layer of food. All my vitals which I take morning and night are fine.Just have trouble losing weight as I am on prednisone which can cause you to gain weight. Joined a gym this week through my Medicare supplemental insurance. Cost me $0. Can go as much as I want and the classes are included. If your Medicare, when you get it, has a gym membership feature, take advantage of it. Ended with a glass of the Spumonti from my brother's wedding in January. 50 years ago today, I went to school with a hangover for the only time. My cousin took mre to the Barrelhead in West Seneca for my b-day. The place has been a daycare for years now. Had beers but before we left he bought me a Tequila Sunrise. Almost puked.
  13. I got a solution . Make everyone pay into it, but don't pay out to the under 40 year olds when they reach retirement age. 😀 I've got maybe 20-25 years left on it if I live as long as my mom. As long as it lasts until I kick the bucket.
  14. Demos version of "secret war plans": Bomb the sh*t out of them. The pentagon has plans for war with every nation on earth including Singapore Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.
  15. Well, you can't trust women to keep a secret.😂
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