Look in the mirror and can't believe I am two years away from 70. Day started with a blood test. They adjusted one of my anti-rejection meds last week and wanted to see what the level is now. Went to the local Chinese buffet, which I go to on my b-day except for last year as I was just out of the hospital.I used to have two heaping plates of stuff but now it was with a reasonable layer of food.
All my vitals which I take morning and night are fine.Just have trouble losing weight as I am on prednisone which can cause you to gain weight.
Joined a gym this week through my Medicare supplemental insurance. Cost me $0. Can go as much as I want and the classes are included. If your Medicare, when you get it, has a gym membership feature, take advantage of it.
Ended with a glass of the Spumonti from my brother's wedding in January.
50 years ago today, I went to school with a hangover for the only time. My cousin took mre to the Barrelhead in West Seneca for my b-day. The place has been a daycare for years now. Had beers but before we left he bought me a Tequila Sunrise. Almost puked.