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    Back in WNY, the only place to be

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  1. Any day now, the American people will realiize that Rachel Madcap is really Fred Savage.
  2. The way to stop these protests until May is to spray them with ice cold water. No need to use fire hoses, just enough to get them wet in the freezing cold. Will stop right away.
  3. Don't you liberals remember the $1000(?) toilet seats? Of course that was before you kiddies were born so you wouldn't know anything about that.
  4. Anybody have Biilonaire tax breaks on their bingo card?
  5. First I said it was at the ravine at the end of the runway. Seeing more video today, it was the tarmac with no snow on it and it was sitting near the terminal. I watched a video by "Captain Steevee". today He made a video analyzing the crash right after he had come back from London (filmed it in the airport). He said that the rightwing touched the ground and the torque on it tore it off the aircraft and then the left wing was still "flying" and caused the plane to flip.
  6. Quack's got Tourette's
  7. WTF is he doing?
  8. I just heard that the plane flipped just before landing. Winds of up to 75. 5 People hurt, one of them serious. They were lucky. Video shows the nose of the plane about 25 feet from the gully at the end of the runway where a plane crashed into years ago.
  9. I saw how it works during my grad studies in molecular bio (in the 80s, it hasn't changed). We had a NIH or NSF grant (can't remember which- it was ~40 years ago). About 5 months before the end of the grant, our advisor told us to go on a buying spree and get anything we wanted for the lab. We would not have spent the entire grant by the end and would lose that money, Instead of rolling it over that to the next grant and ask for less next year, the next grant would get less $ (by a lot). Across the whole govt., that is mega moola.
  10. I think when DOGE goes into a new office, they carry boom boxes that are blaring the theme from "Team America".😀
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