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jax bill backer

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Everything posted by jax bill backer

  1. dont be so sure of that..yes of course it could happen... but i strongly do not think so
  2. why dont you read why I said again... Im not talking about the jags...im talking about anykind of football in general...when theres 20,000 people at a high school football game im pretty sure its safe to say that they like football..and the college atmosphere around here is absolutley redicoulous
  3. I absolutley know for a fact the the bills game and the texans game where on tv........
  4. Jags will never move from jacksonville.... The local goverment and the NFL will not allow jacksonville to move... Tim Tebow will be the marketing move the jaguars make just like terrell owens was for the bills.. And for dean the jaguars havent had a blacked out game in over two years.. Also, the owner for the jaguars is already in place and thats the man who basically brought them to jacksonville Paul Tagliabue.. DONT GET ME WRONG JACKSONVILLE HAS A BIGGER FOLLOWING IN FOOTBALL THEN BUFFALO..BUT ITS STRICTLY COLLEGE FOTBALL PERTAINING TO THE GATORS,SEMINOLES,BULLDOGS AND HURRICANNES
  5. correct.. the last time they had an F1 race in america was 07 at indianapolis when they had that tire problem and only 5 cars finished the race... But watch out I keep hearing there trying to bring F1 to homstead infield right outside of miami...
  6. Let me say that if ralph decides to sell the team this year then this team will not be going to toronto..... with no new building in toronto this year would cancel out the move if he decided to sell the team this year
  7. I go to UCF so go KNIGHTS BABY WOOOOOOOOOOO brandon marshall daunte culpepper and the best runningback in college football history kevin smith
  8. I hate the florida gators and all florida college football teams
  9. Listen Tebow is the best player to take in next years draft... He is a great passer which no one seems to relieze... He will be a first round pick next year... Mark my words.. I have seen this kid play in highschool and college in person and he will be the best player ever to go down in college and the NFL... Mark my words whoever takes Tebow will win a super bowl in 5years
  10. Just to let you know if you talk about toronto to much they will eat you alive.. I would know... Anyways to answer your question, I see not a chance in hell the bills stay in buffalo after ralph wilson passes.. Besides JIMBO, who is going to wanna buy a team in buffalo and keep them in buffalo when there is a gold mine across the lake which happens to be toronto....
  11. Lack of NFL support, also the seating capacity has been lengthened form 70,000 to 74,000 in 2003 because of the fact of the florida and georgia game is played there every year.. ACC Championsip... and Gator bowl.. HAA I LOVE ALL THE JAX CHEAPSHOTS...I HATE JACKSONVILLE AS MUCH AS ANYONE.LMAO
  12. Did you read my thread I said Football in General in Jacksonville is bigger and has more dedication than in Buffalo... For the simple fact that college is bigger Reasons why there is no support for jags 1) Simply dont care about the NFL 2)Are at the game in Gainsville,Talahasse, or Athens and dont want to go to an NFL game eithier because they have no more money or are tired 3) " HAVE ONLY HEARD THIS ONE DONT BELIEVE IT" People think that the jags are safe so they dont go... people think that the jags are here to stay because of the growing population here will reach 5 million in the next 10 years... and heres the biggest one of all the potential new owner for the jags is already in place.. PAUL TAGLIABBUE(sorry if spelled worng) yes our old commisoner is speculated to buy the Jaguars and keep them in jacksonville because frankly he is obsessed with the area and was the guy who ultemently brought them to jacksonville YOU HAVE TO BLIND OR LIVE IN A HOLE TO NOT SEE THAT NAVY
  13. Probaly gonna take a huge swing on this but JACKSONVILLE FANS ARE BETTER THAN BILLS FANS...Sorry I love the bills but jacksonville is a college town with way more deticaded fans than than buffalo... With jacksonville being the number one city in america for turning college and NFL players im pretty sure they like football.. The Fact is Jacksonville has three teams the Gators,Noles, and Bulldogs.... AND BY THE WAY I HATE JACKSONVILLE.. so just because they have a sh------- NFL Fanbase.. there college fanbase,fan dedication, far surpass Buffalo..sorry.. Find somone else on this board from jacksonville and they will tell you the exact same thing..GO BILLS
  14. First of all everybody here thinks I defend Jacksonville which I dont.. So all your little jacksonville comments I really couldn't give two *****... And because I said Fed Ex field was nice everybody thinks that I like it better than the Ralph.. Listen its everybody's opinion on how nice a stadium is... And also tailgaiting goes with the atmosphere factor. My ties with buffalo is as thick as anyone on this board lived in Townawanda my whole entire life... and dude you should probaly quit posting.. the knowledge I see from you on this board is like knowledge from a retarted kid that just had a stroke..
  16. did I say that I wanted resturants at the ralph.... I was just pointing out what I observed when I went to Fed Ex... I hope you read better in college, Kollege student or it could be a long semester for you
  17. i have a positive intrest in the bills...a positive intrest on making the team better and the stadium better and keeping them in buffalo
  18. Tampa is absolutley horrible other than the fact its easy to get out of becuase its on a highway... Jacksonville is nowhere near a dump...beatiful landscaping around the stadium...escalators... the bud zone.. and actually has a part that is the closest seating to the field than any other stadium...
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