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  1. All I got is we aren't the Jets. Faaaack!
  2. Kate Smith is warming up.....oh wait, that's the Flyers......
  3. I remember getting a call from a Jets fan friend. When a Jets fan feels bad for you, times are bad. Dude is such a fraud....
  4. Sometimes I read stuff like this and I'm just flabbergasted. If there is something that is tragic in Amari's life, I want him to focus on it. Football is a game. When I've had tragedies in my life, no amount of "compartmentalizing it" would have put me in a place of peak performance. He's human.
  5. I love this. I think Deion has the kind of (false) confidence to take this job.
  6. He's thinking ahead to saving the Sabres once the Lombardi is acquired. He looks like he just got out of Juniors.
  7. More like Ronalding today. ¼
  8. They may not win another game.
  9. Dude.....first year as,a Bills fan?
  10. "Things can't get more Jetsy" Jetsy:"Hold my beer."
  11. It's sort of good Samuel got hurt. I'm guessing Beane doesn't go after Cooper if there are more performances earlier in the season like Samuel had yesterday. Now we seem deep.
  12. His story is incredible. He is an inspiration.
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