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Everything posted by DCbillsfan

  1. No. Tre White is a stud. You don't get rid of guys like him. The Jets got 2 first round picks for Adams who is a stud. If the Jets bomb on those 2 first rounders, which is quite possible, this trade will be terrible for them. I know there's more to the trade but this was the crux of the trade.
  2. Not really. The Bills pivoted with hiring McD who brought in Beane. The Sabres are just a disaster.
  3. McGregor is a real marketing machine. He has fans who pay to watch him fight and haters who pay hoping they'll see him get the crap beaten out of him. Genius!
  4. It would be a breach of contract and team could potentially recoup part of signing bonus, etc. That would be an ugly situation.
  5. I'm looking forward to getting past the opt out deadline. Want to know who we have for the season. If White opts out, that would REALLY SUCK!! My favorite Bill.
  6. A bit of a surprise move to me. I wonder if Beane is working on some deal (Winters or maybe an extension) where he's looking for some cash. More obvious OL cuts than Long imo.
  7. I believe Evan Boehm can play C as well.
  8. I don't have the link to the article, but read it about one month ago. It went beyond the death rate of the virus and it went into detail about permanent damage to various organs and blood clots, etc. It essentially stated: of 100 people who test positive for Covid, roughly 20 end up in the hospital, 10 of the 20 hospitalized survive with no apparent lingering issues, the other 10 - 1 to 2 of them die and 8 to 9 have suffered permanent damage to their body. Basically, 10% of people who test positive for Covid are some sort of casualty, either death or permanent damage. BTW, I agree with you about trying to keep businesses open. Just do it in a safe, reasonable manner. I got nothing on the schools. That's a tough nut to crack.
  9. I'd be surprised if Duke Williams makes the team.
  10. I believe the Bills are trying to upgrade both CB2 and slot CB. Beane and McD are trying to catch to some lightning in a bottle with Gaines and Norman. If Gaines can stay healthy and Norman upgrades his play from his Washington days, they'll see the field quite a bit with White imo. Re-watching games from last year, Taron Johnson and Wallace left me wanting more from them. Just not enough impact plays along with solid tackling at times.
  11. Yes. I was hoping the Bills could get Edwards Helaire.
  12. I believe Beane and McD are wanting a CB2 who is physical against the run to pair up with Tre White. If healthy, I could see Norman or Gaines beat out Wallace.
  13. My understanding is guaranteed money is lost if the season is canceled. Star was scheduled to make $4.5 M guaranteed money this season.
  14. Tom Pellisero from NFL Network tweeted that there are dozens of more players who are going to opt out. Attorneys are involved on both sides trying to clarify who qualifies for the different opt outs.
  15. Isn't there something you can do? Thuddd!! ?
  16. The Premier League is good stuff. I'm getting hooked on it.
  17. I had two immediate reactions to this story. One - good for him. He wants to help people. Terrific. Two - what Oline guy is Brandon Beane trading to the Chiefs for a draft pick(s)?
  18. I think his best chance is after the season starts. A team suffers an injury or 2 at RB position and/or a RB gets the virus and has to sit. Similar to a veteran QB staying in shape hoping the phone rings.
  19. Like everyone else, I want to see NFL football. I've tried to remain positive all this time but 4 months into this virus - it doesn't look good. The NFL and NFLPA had all this time to work on safety protocols and procedures. I find them both at fault. If some players don't want to play - I don't blame them. Maybe there won't be football this season. I find myself becoming less interested in football with each passing day. My two cents JMO
  20. Just turn off that hot garbage.
  21. This is a good deal for Henry. Curious to see when Titans can realistically get out of it.
  22. I hope you're right about a full season but I'm having more doubt as we get closer to training camp. I believe you're right about why they are trying to play. Simply so much $ at stake. My biggest concern is the players willingness to adhere to safety protocols. Can they really be counted on to do everything possible to avoid getting the virus. Even if they do, we know guys are going to test positive. It's a matter of how many. Fingers crossed.
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