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Everything posted by Magox

  1. There is no bailout, they filed for chapter 11.
  2. Now they are saying there will be no Greek Vote. If that is the case, I would venture to guess that he did get some threats of their country getting expelled from the Euro zone.
  3. I think Dalton is the real deal, and he'll have a mighty fine NFL career.
  4. Best lockdown DB since Deion Sanders.
  5. It's the most irresponsible, insane decision a leader could have made under these circumstances. Not only has he basically scuttled the entire deal, that Merkel and Sarkozy helped craft (which they received intense scrutiny within their own countries for bailing out the greeks), but now just about every single investor on the planet that is still in the markets is now in the mercy of his decision. It's almost unfathomable that he could make such a decision. The worst part of all this is that they don't vote on it until January, so there is this cloud of uncertainty that could roil the markets until then. They, they being the northern europeans should consider some sort of contingency plan for the most orderly default possible and give Papainidiot a notice that he needs to go through with the plan ASAP or suffer a forced default and expulsion of the EU.
  6. I think people should inform themselves more. Do you believe if the tax code was the way you would like, it would increase the standard of living for the "99%"? And if so, could you explain how?
  7. You're giving billsfreak waaaaaay too much credit.
  8. Did the WildCat not get us a first down on a third and two? And he does have pretty close to a 5 yard Rushing average does he not? As long as he keeps running effectively and picking us up first downs on third and short situations, I have no problem with the Wildcat.
  9. Who gives a **** what you believed it was sold as? It is what it is, it is part of the evolutionary process of this world, you either learn to adapt, or you can do as what you and many others do and complain about it, which of course gets you nowhere.
  10. Actually, they are mainstream middle America. However, I personally am a bit of a freak, definitely not middle America, just my own unique form of freaky.
  11. I don't know... I'm kinda mixed about the idea. Fiscally speaking, it shouldn't occur, but isn't their a value in happiness? I know it's not an intrinsic value, but it certainly is real.
  12. From what I've seen the OWS supporters have it all wrong, they seem to believe "tax the rich" is a solution to the income inequalities of the US or for that matter the world. Basically they are endorsing wealth distribution policies, which any capable economic thinking person can tell you that this doesn't come even close to solving the problem. All you have to dois think rationally about this. A system that gives more incentives to those who achieve less and decentivizes those for doing more will never create a stong middle class. The biggest reason why incomes have been becoming more disproportionate is simple. It's called efficiency. Efficiency has been rising, the cost of mid level human capital has been decreasing relative to the top earners because their cost of labor has been watered down through globalization. Globalization is not an evil thing, it's something that we have to adapt to, and honestly we haven't been doing a great job of that. ON top of that technology has been improving, so again, EFFICIENCY has been rising. Profits increase, and those in the upper tier of the company have been reaping the rewards. People need to learn to adjust. If they don't learn to adjust, then they will end up in the cold weather, in a tent, eating ****ty food, complaining why life isn't fair.
  13. It is sad. Really. Was speaking about this with my father just yesterday. Retired Marine Corps, pushed me in everything I did to the max, and I've done a few things in my life that have made him proud. Well, now I am coming close to fulfilling a dream of mine, which is to be involved with the inception of a hedgefund. But now, being involved in a hedgefund means that bozos such as Lybob believe we are all crooks, his ill-informed and uberly overgeneralzed view of people such as myself is gaining traction amongst the ignorant. And I tell my father that I have a lot of friends out in California, who ALL share this view (you should see all the OWS posts on my FB) and I feel that I almost have to hide the possibility that I will be involved with a hedgefund. Never in my life has financial success been so demonized. I feel that I have been doing my clients right, they have virually all been better off for knowing and doing business with me. I'd like to think that I have improved their financial quality of life,and helped steer them through these tough years. You know that our possible hedgefund is not going to register as a US company? We will do it through Dubai. Yep Du !@#$ing bai. Wanna take a guess why? You got it, because of the business climate, regulations and corporate tax rates. So now, if this endeavor does take off, Du !@#$ing bai will have more to gain through our company than the US. And get this, the main stake holder of the company is a die hard Obama supporter, I mean, he's freaking shameless when it comes to it, yet he still will want to set up shop over there, yet our main operating office will be here in Miami. Whatever You see my sig down below? These people that I am talking about down their, they hypocrisy, these are for the most part the OWS crowd of California. I **** you not, no exaggeration, these are the same people. Yeah, you mean his tax plan that says "Go with his flat tax plan, but if you don't want to, you can return to the old tax system, where you can escape paying taxes through all the loopholes' Yeah thats a great plan I guaran!@#$ingtee ya that his plan would cause our national debt soar so much it would make Obama's debt look enviable.
  14. What a shallow response. You better keep warming up, because that is who gonna defeat your horse. Everyone has their interpretation of it, for the most part it's a melting pot of left-leaning grievances.
  15. Actually there was significant progress. On two front from my perspective, one that Merkel finally stepped up to the plate to a degree and got lawmakers behind her ultimatum she made to the banks, which was "you are either gonna take this haircut, or we will begin the default process and we will make sure that the whole world knows that you weren't willing to take the needed haircut to avoid financial world wide calamity". This was important for the markets because it showed more solidatiry than we had previously seen. And two, a big key ingredient to the solution, which I've written about here before, regarding "the end game" was that banks would have to forgive a large portion of the greek debt (the "haircut"). Now I'm not saying that the European sitution has been resolved, because it hasn't, and I'm fairly certain that we will revisit it again with more future panics, there are many questions that still need to be answered, such as how in the hell are the banks going to be able to raise enough private capital to ensure the markets, how is the European Bailout fund going to be implemented and leveraged and more importantly will the Southern Europeans have the discipline to follow through with their austerity measures, AND simultaneously implement growth policies to avoid a social uprising of sorts. Those are big if's. Plus, I'm not so sure that the Germans will have he political will to go through this again. But for now, this will assuage the markets fears for an X period of time. My guess is that pretty much everything will gain value except bonds.
  16. I'm tied with him And I'm getting very close to going long gold.... Every time it approaches $1600 my emotions get the best of me and our traders on staff. We always say "this time we're gonna go long when it approaches $1600" then we don't pull the trigger.
  17. yeah, but you would miss the scenic view of the 230mph train
  18. The reason why it works in Japan and Europe is simple, population density + tight land mass = economic feasibility When grownups make decisions, they look into these things, they don't care how fast or cool they are, they see if it is economically viable.
  19. I don't give a **** how you interpret it, you're still a putz.
  20. Well at least you consider equating someone to Conner is indeed to "belittle" one. Also, the speed of the trains have nothing to do with the substance of the topic.
  21. Jeez, do i have to tell you how big of an idiot you are? read it again ... Putz
  22. I would say out of the "99%" crowd, at least 90% fall in the "47%"
  23. Wow, you just outed yourself
  24. Ok, seriously, you are approaching Conneresque levels
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